The language of each document is
indicated by a flag such as or
. Photos, in JPG format, are signaled by
the pictogram
. Some documents may be available
in one (or several) language(s) other than that (or those)
indicated below. To access the complete list of documents
available in all languages, enter through national flags
on the home page then click on "documents" or refer to the
exhaustive list above.
To reach the documents, first choose your theme in this list, or scroll down below:
Generalities on nuclear energy
General information on energy (Michel Lung/EFN, DOC format, 108
ko in French, 176 ko in English)
Various uses of radioactivity (magazine "Alternatives", p10-11,
N°3, July 2003, PDF format, English version: 532 ko, French version: 384 ko)
General information on energy (ENC, September 2002, HTML
format, 24 ko, or DOC format 100 ko).
Nuclear energy in simple words -
EFN's answers to student's questions (Michel Noraz/EFN, June 2000, HTML format 12 ko,
or DOC format 20 ko)
Nuclear Energy seen from the
point of view of an Environmentalist in France (presentation given by Bruno
Comby in Berlin, May 2003, PPT format, 5.7 Mo)
Such a Beautiful Planet...
admire our Earth seen from outer space at night
The benefits from nuclear energy (Pr
Bernard Cohen/EFN, HTML format, 28 ko, in Spanish) clear,
accessible, neutral, unbiased scientific facts on health
and the environment (HTML format)
Turning Silk Purses into Sows'
Ears (EFN-USA,
2003, HTML format, 4 ko).
Nuclear Power: Environmental
Comparisons and Perspective (John K. Sutherland, October
2003, HTML format, 92ko)
Various infos on nuclear energy
by John Sutherland (canadian researcher) (John K. Sutherland, HTML format)
Text by Pr James Lovelock, historically the
leading figure of the environmental movement (preface to B. Comby's book) (Pr.
Lovelock, <80ko, HTML format, this document is available
in English, German,
French and Czech)
Answers of EFN to the Green
Paper of the European Commission (Bruno Comby/EFN, 2001, DOC
format, 80 ko)
Statement of EFN at the Euratom Conference in
Brussels in 2002 (EFN/Michel Lung, HTML format, 12 sept 02,
4 ko, English version, French version)
Radioprotection and ecology -
about the protection of humans and of nature (speech by Bruno Comby, President
of the XX th Congress of ATSR in Paris, 15 December 1999,
HTML format, 12 ko)
Answers to an anti-nuclear
The nuclear fuel cycle (JPG photo, 116 ko)
A few answers to FAQ about
nuclear energy (Michel Lung)
Souvenirs of a pioneer of
nculear energy
Energy in the world (Michel Lung and Bruno Comby)
What is a steam generator ? (Areva, Technical meeting/Chalon,
2-3 July 03, PDF format, 340 ko)
General information on energy
electricity and nuclear energy (Michel Karatchentzeff, 17
December 2002, PDF format, 220 ko)
Is the nuclear lobby a sneaky
viper ? (Michel
Electrical heating is not an
environmental disaster (Jean-Marc Jancovici, September 2001, HTML
format, 16 ko)
The naturality principle,
definition (B.
Comby, 1995, HTML format, 4 ko)
The naturality principle (Jacques Frot/La Jaune and la
Rouge, DOC format, 10 ko)
Conversion of an anti-nuclear to
clean nuclear energy (Jacques Frot)
The "Nuclear booklet" by Jacky
Nuclear Energy in a Sustainable
Development Perspective - L'énergie nucléaire dans une
perspective de développement durable (OECD, document PDF).
Characteristics of Nuclear
Amount of energy received from
the Sun on Earth
(Bruno Comby/EFN, August 2004, HTML format, 4 ko)
About Solar Dessalinization of
Sea Water: General Considerations and Orders of Magnitude (EFN/Bruno Comby, 8 august 2004,
HTML format, 20 ko)
Thermodynamic Solar Energy (Bruno Rivoire/responsible of the
Themis project, 24 April 2002, HTML format, 108 ko)
Thermodynamic Solar Energy (Bruno Rivoire/responsible of the
Themis project, 24 April 2002, DOC format, 192 ko)
The TEMASOL solar project in
Morrocco : solar electrification of 15 000 rural houses in
June 2005 (110 000 expected) (TEMASOL/ONE Morrocco, February
2005, PDF format, 220 ko)
Video of a self-exploding windmill (Daily Motion video, 1st March 2008)
Tilting against Windmills (John Dyson/Reader's Digest,
August 2003, PDF format, 128 ko) - this document is available in English and German,
A History Professor's
impressions about Modern Windmills (Niall Ferguson, July 2004, HTML
format, 12 ko)
Calculation of the Power
Produced by a Windmill (EFN, May 2002, HTML format, 8 ko)
Windmills just won't get it done (Lord David Howell, 23 December
2004, HTML format, 8 ko)
Comparison between the energy
structure of France, Denmark and Sweden (Hervé Nifenecker/EFN, november
2003, DOC format, 64 ko)
For or Against the development
of huge windfarms (Jean-Marc Wallut and Jean-Louis Bal/ADEME,
November 2002, HTML format, 48 ko)
Eoliennes, des danseuses bien
(Alain de Tonnac/EFN, 12 September 2004, DOC format, 44 ko)
Disturbance of electromagnetic
signals by windmills (2002 report of the Agence Nationale des
Fréquences, demanded by the Industry Ministry, 2002, PDF
format, 276 ko)
Projet de loi adopté par le
Sénat relatif aux permis de construire pour l'implantation
d'aérogénérateurs (Christian Poncelet, 24 October 2002, HTML
format, 12ko)
Un agriculteur écolo se paie la
plus grande éolienne de France - 1500 MW (, 3 March 2003,
HTML format, 12 ko)
Pamphlet contre les sites
éoliens industriels - la bouillie culturelle and
l'écologiquement correct (Regis Cogranne, February 2003, HTML format, 8
Eoliennes bruyantes, vent de
fronde (Ouest
France/Hélène Perraudeau, 23 October 2003, DOC format, 44
Réglementation des éoliennes en
France (P.
Boiron, 7 November 2003, HTML format, 3 ko)
Projet de loi adopté par le
Sénat relatif aux permis de construire pour l'implantation
d'aérogénérateurs (Christian Poncelet, 24 October 2002, HTML
format, 12ko)
For or Against the development
of wind farms
(Jean-Marc Wallut and Jean-Louis Bal de l'ADEME, November
2002, HTML format, 48 ko)
A farmer buys the largest
windmill in France - 1500 MW (, 3 March 2003,
HTML format, 12 ko)
Pamphlet against industrial wind
farms - politically correct soup (Regis Cogranne, February 2003,
HTML format, 8 ko)
Broken windmills in Dunkerque (two photos - rights reserved -
and explanations about the accident of 20 March 2004, DOC
format, 736 ko)
Photos, a video and explanations
on the wind farm at Donzere (B. Comby, 2 June 2004, HTML
format, over 40 photos, a video and several pages of
explanations on this wind farm of 6 wind generators of 600
kW each, formats JPG and AVI).
Photos d'éoliennes (EFN/B. Comby, 1996-2004, format
L'énergie geothermique: une
énergie propre à développer davantage (magazine "Alternatives", p4-9,
July 2003, PDF format, 696 ko, version anglaise: 500 ko)
La Terre, Source de chaleur (ARENE Ile de France, en
collaboration avec l'ADEME and le BRGM, 1988, HTML format,
14 ko)
The Great Global Experiment (Jonathan Shaw/Harvard Magazine,
nov/dec 2002, HTML format, 44 ko)
The Ocean Carbon Cycle (Jonathan Shaw/Harvard Magazine,
nov/dec 2002, HTML format, 16 ko)
Problems with the Kyoto Protocol (Jonathan Shaw/Harvard Magazine,
nov/dec 2002, HTML format, 16 ko)
Canada, Kyoto and global warming
- the "fatal conceit" of Kyoto - subsidizing idealized
future technologies is a waste of money (Kenneth Green/Toronto Star,
April 25th 2004, HTML format, 8 ko)
The China Project (Jonathan Shaw/Harvard Magazine,
nov/dec 2002, HTML format, 16 ko)
Relative contributions of H2O,
CO2 and O3 to the greenhouse effect (EFN based on Ramanathan and
Coakley, Rev. Geophys and Space Phys., 1978, HTML format, 4
CO2, CH4, other Greenhouse
Gases, and their Contribution to the Greenhouse Effect in
the Atmosphere
(EFN, dec 2004, HTML format, 12 ko, also available in French)
CO2 emissions of France with and
without nuclear energy between 1973 and 2005 (conference in Rocquencourt by G.
Vendryes, PPT format, February 2002, 44 ko, French version)`
Site www.climatefacts.: des
informations scientifiques sur le changement climatique (HTML format)
Climate change: the Science
isn't settled
(James Schlesinger/Washington Post, July 7, 2003, HTML
format, 8 ko)
The Cooling World (about the
problem of the cooling climate in 1975) (Peter Gwynne/Newsweek, 28 April
1975, PDF format, 296 ko)
Climate modelization - free 4D
software for climate modelization (Columbia University and NASA.,
29 June 2005, HTML format)
Key facts about nuclear energy
and the Kyoto protocol (OECD, august 2002, PDF format, 236 ko, also
available in French)
Communication of EFN at the World Summit in
Johannesbourg (Jacques Frot/EFN, HTML format, 24 ko, August
2002, English version, French version, Czech version)
European emissions of CO2 would
be one third higher without nuclear energy - Sans énergie nucléaire les
émissions européennes de CO2 seraient supérieures d'un
tiers aux émissions actuelles (OECD-NEA, 29 July 2002, HTML
format, 4 ko)
CO2 emissions of some countries - Emissions de CO2 des principaux
pays (EFN,
1997, HTML format, 4 ko)
Nuclear Energy Can Avoid Global
Warming, Ecologist Says (NEI - Insight front page story, July 2004, PDF
format, 156 ko)
World historical GDP per capita
since 3000 years
(to be compared to average world temperatures) (Lahererre,
March 2005, PDF format, 28 ko)
Maîtriser les émissions de gaz à
effet de serre: quels instruments économiques ? (rapport
du Sénat)
Greenhouse effect: Jean-Marc
Jancovici's web site (independent expert)
Calcul and comparaison de la
quantité de CO2 émise par le secteur des transports and
évitée par la production d'électricité nucléaire en France (EFN, 2002, HTML format, 8 ko)
Un point de vue sur le nucléaire (Riskassur, le magazine des
risques and des assurances, JPG format, August 2002, 8 ko)
Greenhouse effect: should
electricity replace gasoline ? (André Salaun/Revue
"Naturellement" n°71, JPG format, 2002, 20 ko)
Kyoto in the kitchen: how to
save energy in your own home (Martin O'Malley and Justin
Thompson, CBC News Online, HTML format, 8 ko)
Electric vehicles: private and
professional vehicles (ElectricTransport Division EDF, 2002, PDF
format, 2,3 Mo)
Electric cars and batteries (synthetic document, 2004, HTML
format, 16 ko)
The Oil Crisis (, HTML format)
Production Forecasts in OPEC and Non-OPEC Countries -
Depletion Rates and Production Peaks (PFC Energy, September 2004, PDF
format, 376 ko)
Oil Firms
Turn to Tar
(International Herald Tribune, 1st September
2004, HTML format)
Growing Gap Between Oil
Discovery and Consumption (ODAC - Oil Depletion Analysis Center, DOC
format, 364 ko)
How much oil do we still have ? (Gordon J. Aubrecht, PDF format,
324 ko)
A Reality Check on the World's
Oil Supply and Demand: are the Current Perceptions of Weak
Demand and Ample Excess Capacity Correct ? (Matthew R. Simmons, Canadian
Energy Research Institute, January 2002, PDF format, 112 ko)
Peak Oil and other Peaks (Jean Laherrere, October 2005,
format PDF, 3.3 Mo)
Oil Shale Review : not much
future (Jean
Laherrere, August 2005, format PDF, 564 ko)
The Oil Era will soon come to an
end, are we ready ? (Bruno Comby/EFN, contribution to the National
Debate on Energy, 26 February 2003, HTML format, 12 ko)
Evolution of the cost of oil
between 1970 and 2002 (IFP, 2002, PPT format, 40 ko)
Letter of 20 December 2002:
world oil reserves of 110 Gtoe are used at the rhythm of
5.4 Gtoe per year (avaluation 2030) (Jean Bergeal, December 2002,
HTML format, 4 ko)
The future of oil and natural
gas (Jacques
Frot/EFN, contribution to the National Debate on Energy,
January 2003, HTML format, 8 ko)
Environmental pollutions by
automobiles (Report of the French Senate)
Radiation and radioactivity used to have a positive reputation in Europe in the fist half of the XXth century
Example of a commercial
advertisement for a radioactive drink (atomic soda)
Information on energy country-by-country (PDF)
Intro and summary - Energy in the World - Europe of 15 - Countries of the OECD other than
Europe of 15 -
North America - Latin America - Middle East - Central Europe - CEI - Asia - Africa
(European Commission)
Information on energy country-by-country (EXCEL)
Europe (15) - Iceland - Norway - Switzerland - North America - Latin America - Middle East - Central Europe - Baltic Countries - CEI - Asia - Africa
(European Commission)
List of nuclear reactors and
installations in the world and in each country (SCOR/JYC, April 2003, format
XLS, 256 ko)
Information on energy in the world (other formats, various documents, by country)
Europe: pie-chart of
electricity-production methods in Europe (International Energy Agency,
2001, JPG format, 40 ko)
Netherlands: the situation at Borssele: ruling
out nuclear energy is not an option any more (Source Jan Diekman, December
2002, HTML format, 20 ko)
Energy in India: a few figures -
energy consumption per inhabitant 15 times less than in
Europe (Michel
Lung, 10 nov 99, DOC format, 8 ko)
Sweden: a largely pro-nuclear
(Bulletin ASPEA, HTML format, 4 ko, also available in French version)
Nuclear Energy in Russia (French Embassy in Moscow,
october 2004, DOC format, 1 Mo)
USA: Reliable, Affordable and
Environmentally Sound Energy for America's Future (National Energy Policy
Development Group/White House, 2002, PDF format, 2.5 Mbytes)
Belgium/Nuclear Phaseout: no
thanks !
(magazine "Alternatives", p15-16, July 2003, PDF format, 368
ko, English version: 260 ko)
Finland: letter to Santa Claus
for Christmas 2002 (EFN/Finlande, HTML format, 8 ko, also
available in French)
World: population by country and
energy consumption per capita in each country
Africa making good use of
nuclear energy: interview of the Ministre de la Recherche
in Senegal
(Falila Gbadamassi/, 28 March 2003, HTML format, 8
Energy in Australia (Energy Information Administration (EIA), November
2004, HTML format, 44 ko)
Nuclear Energy is viable for
Australia (Ian
Hore-Lacy, 28 January 2005, HTML format, 44 ko)
Belgium: Report on Energy of the
Commission Ampère (this report was ordered by the Belgian
Government and was superbly ignored by the next Belgian
Government who took decisions contrary to the
recommendations in this report by deciding to phase out
nuclear energy in Belgium - the rport of the Commission
Ampère in Dutch)
Belgium and Germany /Nuclear
phaseout: what to think of politicians making promises to
be held in 25 years from now (Bruno Comby/EFN, December 2002,
HTML format, 8 ko)
Belgium/Nuclear phaseout: Open
Letter of the Collectif ESPOIR to Olivier Deleuze (Collectif ESPOIR, November 2002,
DOC format, 68 ko)
Belgium/Nuclear phaseout: the
historical error - Lettre of Pr Berger to the Prime
Minister Guy Verhofstadt (published by La Libre Belgique, 15 January 2003,
HTML format 16 ko)
The energy situation in China (Michel Lung/EFN, August 2003,
HTML format, 8 ko)
Nuclear news from China (French Embassy in Pekin,
February 2005, PDF format, 516 ko, some articles in English,
others in French)
Nuclear news from China (French Embassy in Pekin,
November 2004, PDF format, 516 ko, some articles in English,
others in French)
barometer about energy in France (DGEMP, June 2003, HTML format, 8
Energy in France in 2001 (Veille-Info n°30, December 2002,
PDF format, 120 ko)
The place of nuclear energy in
(Veille-Info/DGEMP n°31, January 2003, PDF format, 48 ko)
Switzerland: results of the
referendum in 2003 (KKG, 18 May 2003, HTML format, 4 ko)
Swedish Nuclear Energy: A
Disobliging Review (Source Energy Pulse web site, September 2005,
HTML format)
Photo of the reactor building in
(1986, JPG format, 156 ko)
Health consequences of the
Chernobyl accident (Pr Aurengo, 2002, .in DOC format 432 ko and in HTML format 80 ko, English version in DOC format, English version in HTML format)
Causes of the Chernobl Event (Jacques Frot/EFN, April 2001,
DOC format, 120 ko, also available in French and in Japanese)
UNSCEAR report released on the
XVth anniversary of the accident
Chernobyl, Bluff of the Century, (WONUC, Sept 03, HTML format)
Catastrophe and Consequences, (J.T. Smith and N.A. Beresford,
Springer Verlag, June 2006, HTML format)
Lessons of Chernobyl: Nuclear
Energy is Safe,
(Zbigniew Jaworowski, EIR, May 04, PDF format, 504 ko)
Real facts about the Chernobyl
(United Nations/NEA, May 2004, HTML format, 4 ko)
Consequences of Tchernobyl (Jacques Pradel/RGN, DOC format,
28 ko)
Interview of Dr
Anne-Flüry-Hérard, member of the UNSCEAR
Humans, Animals, and Plants in
Chernobyl (Eric Voice)
Chernobyl compared to other
rejections in the environment
Chernobyl cancers
explained by a medical professor specialized in nuclear
Who lied about the radioactive
cloud of Chernobyl ?
Chernobyl, who lies? (Jacques Dixmier, France Soir, 2
January 2003, JPG format, 4 ko)
Can Professeur Pierre Pellerin's
honesty, unjustly smashed by the media, be restored ? (Henri Lehn, July 2004, DOC
format, 444 ko)
Health consequences of the
Chernobyl 1986-2003 (Pr André Aurengo, January 2003, PPT format, 1,9
Chernobyl Forum: thyroid cancers
in Ukraine and Belarus (from 1986 à 2005: about 4000 cases were
diagnosed, of which less than 10 have died)
Chernobyl: what health
consequences ? (article La Jaune and la Rouge version
html) or version Word
Les 40
catastrophes les plus meurtrières de la période 1970-2001
Concernant les retombées
radioactives de Chernobyl à Sisteron
Carte de France du Césium en
Enquête sur les conséquences
sanitaires en Franche-Comté de l'accident de Chernobyl (Médecins libéraux de
Franche-Comté, October 2001, HTML format, 4 ko)
Données métrologiques and
évaluation des risques en France lors de l'accident de
Chernobyl (26 April 1986). Mise au point historique (P. Galle, Compte-rendu de
l'Académie Française des Sciences, 9 June 2003, PDF format,
476 ko)
Tel est pris qui croyait
prendre: à propos du nuage qui s'arrête aux frontières and
de Brigitte Simonetta, présentatrice météo sur France 3 le
29 April 1986
(M. Lung, 17 December 2003, HTML format, 8 ko)
Risks and accidents other than Chernobyl
Causes of the industrial
accident at Mihama in Japan (Bruno Comby/EFN, August
10th 2004, HTML format, 24 ko)
About nuclear energy in
Japan after the Mihama industrial accident - Letter to the
Editor of the IHT (John Ritch/WNA/IHT, August 17th 2004, HTML
format, 4 ko)
Press articles in English
about the Mihama industrial accident (Japanese Press, 10-11
August 2004, JPG format, 1.1 Mo)
Comparison and hierarchy of
differents risks (Pr Bernard Cohen)
Health risks of energy
systems expressed in Yolls (years of life lost)(NEA, format .JPG, 48
Normal Cancer Rate Found
Near three Mile Island Plant (The New York Times, 2 nov
2002, HTML format, 4 ko)
The Tokaimura criticality
accident -
30 Sept 99 (IAEA, Report of the Preliminary fact-finding
mission, IPSN, Yomiuri Shimbun 4/11/99, Atoms in Japan
December 99, WNA, HTML format, 24 ko)
Coal Kills: the death toll
is increasing in China (China Daily, 19 September 03, HTML format,
4 ko)
What becomes of nuclear
risk assessment in light of radiation hormesis ? (Jerry Cuttler, July 2004,
DOC format, 160 ko)
relationships and estimation of the carcinogenic effects
of low doses of ionizing radiation (Aurengo/French National Academy
of Medicine, March 6th, 2005, format HTML, 16 ko for the
short version, click here for the complete text
of 64 pages in
WORD format, 360 ko)
Accidents at Work Kill 350
000 Workers Per Year (1000 per day) (Newsday/Neidi Lee-Sing
Rojas, August 2004, HTML format, 16 ko)
Principaux rejets historiques de
radioactivité dans l'environnement
La rupture du barrage de
Malpasset le 2 December 1959 (423 morts)
Les 40 catastrophes les
plus meurtrières de la période 1970-2001
Les risques géopolitiques
liés au pétrole and au gaz naturel sont gigantesques (IFP and Jacques
Frot/EFN,December 2000, DOC format, 636 ko)
Les principes de la sûreté
(sympathisant EFN, March 2003, HTML format, 32 ko)
Le Forum international
GENERATION IV: 3 des 6 concepts de réacteurs nucléaires du
futur sont des réacteurs à neutrons rapides (EFN, decembre 2002, PPT format,
236 ko)
Breeder Reactors: a Renewable
Energy Source
(Bernard L. Cohen, published by the American Journal of
Physics, June 1983, TIF format, 236 ko)
Optimisation of the CO2 cooled
fast reactor for plutonium and minor actinide management (J.T. MURGATROYD and al., PDF
format, 140 ko)
Révélations fracassantes en May
2003 concernant l'attentat anti-Superphénix de 1982:
comment des écologistes se prétendant non-violents
soutenus par des services secrets and de puissants lobbies
étrangers en arrivent à commettre un attentat à la
roquette militaire contre un réacteur nucléaire français
particulièrement propre and écologique (I&E n°274, E. Grenier, 9 May
2003, HTML format, 16 ko)
Schéma de principe de
Superphénix and intérêt des réacteurs à neutrons rapide (EFN, decembre 2002, PPT format,
172 ko)
The Superphenix Adventure (Michel Lung/EFN, december 2004,
DOC format, 176 ko)
Comparaison d'un réacteur à eau
and d'un réacteur à neutrons rapides (Michel Lung/EFN, 10 November
1999, DOC format, 40 ko)
Question de Mr Peyrefitte and
réponse de Mr Jospin concernant Superphénix (Sénat français, question du 23
October 1997 and réponse du 13 May 1999, HTML format, 20 ko)
Les avantages de Superphénix (Michel Lung/EFN, 15 May 2000,
DOC format, 68 ko)
Le lourd dossier Superphénix (Michel Lung/EFN, 15 May 2000,
DOC format, 84 ko or HTML format 20 ko)
Sodium and réacteurs à neutrons
rapides (Jean
Moreau, 7 January 2002, DOC format, 2,8 Mo)
Reflexions_sur Superphénix (Jean Moreau, 7 January 2002, DOC
format, 112 ko)
Pour une relance des réacteurs
surgénérateurs refroidis au sodium (Didier Costes, contribution au
débat National sur les Energies, 11 April 2003, HTML format,
20 ko)
A propos des feux de sodium (Jacques Gollion/Robert
Baschwitz, 19 May 2003, HTML format, 4 ko)
High temperature, fast neutrons, and other new reactors
Let a thousand Reactors Bloom in
China (Spencer
Reiss/, September 2004, HTML format, 50 ko)
A small scale nuclear power
plant for new markets (60 MWth, 23 MWe) (Aliki Van Heek, October 2002,
PDF format, 116 ko)
Lead-Bismuth Cooled Fast Neutron
(Zrodnikov & al, 27 illustrated pages, 2002, DOC format,
2.1 Mo)
GENERATION IV: presentation of
the 6 concepts of future nuclear reactors (EFN, december 2002, PPT format,
236 ko)
Small nuclear reactors of 10 MW
for Alaska
(Insight, July 2004, PDF format, 240 ko)
Romawa and NEREUS - A Naturally
safe, Efficient, nuclear Reactor, Easy to operate,
Ultimately simple and Small ( Crommelin's web
Pebble-Bed PBMR reactor in South
Africa: "Small_is_beautiful" (Insight, October 1999, DOC
format, 12 ko)
Schéma d'un boulet de PBMR (ENC 2002, Proceedings, September
2002, format .JPG, 144 ko)
Photos of EFN visiting the
JAERI's high temperature reactor in Japan, the world's
most advanced prototype of high temperature reactor (50 MW
thermal) (EFN,
April 2002, 14 photos, JPG format, 40 ko to 724 ko)
Coal that doesn't burn: test trying to burn a
piece of graphite used in HTR (contrary to the graphite used
at Chernobyl, the graphite used in HTR doesn't burn even in
the worst-case accident). Test n°1, Test n°2 (test made and photos taken by
EFN in Japan, April 2002, JPG format, respectively 340 ko
and 724 ko)
Nuclear reactors of the future (Michel Lung/EFN, November 2001,
DOC format, 680 ko)
Why the construction of an EPR
in France is urgent (Bruno Comby/EFN, June 2005, DOC format, 168 ko)
Schedule for the deployment of
the EPR in France (Bruno Comby/EFN, updated in April 2005, HTML
format, 4 ko)
EPR, industrial project (Bruno Comby/EFN, June 2005, DOC
format, 156 ko)
EPR and energy policy (Bruno Comby/EFN, June 2005, DOC
format, 196 ko)
EPR, electrical production unit (Bruno Comby/EFN, June 2005, DOC
format, 76 ko)
EPR: controlling risks (Bruno Comby/EFN, June 2005, DOC
format, 144 ko)
EPR: direct and indirect costs (Bruno Comby/EFN, June 2005, DOC
format, 20 ko)
EPR: decision of the public
debatc (CNDP,
1st December 2004, HTML format, 8 ko)
Presentation of the EPR project
in Flamanville by EDF (source: EDF/CNDP, July 2005, PDF format, 1,4 Mo)
Cost of the EPR (source: EDF, July 2005, JPG
format, 56 ko)
Recuperation of the corium
(melted core) with the EPR in case of reactor meltdown (source: EDF, July 2005, JPG
format, 32 ko)
Schedule of the EPR (source: EDF, July 2005, JPG
format, 116 ko)
EPR, number of persons employed (source: EDF, July 2005, JPG
format, 120 ko)
Flamanville site seen with
reactors 1 and 2 (in 2005) (source: EDF, July 2005, PG format, 32 ko)
Flamanville site seen with
reactors 1, 2 and 3 (EPR in the future) (source: EDF, July 2005, JPG
format, 44 ko)
EPR: Position of "Save the
Climate" (grass
root citizen's organization) (SAVE THE CLIMATE, June 2005,
DOC format, 376 ko)
Presentation of the EPR (NPI, December 2000, PDF format,
564 ko)
The EPR in Finland (ANP, April 2004, PDF format, 528
New presentation of the EPR (Areva, March 2003, PDF format,
284 ko)
EPR: what energy for our future
? (Françoise
Dutheil, 27 September 2003, HTML format, 4 ko)
Nuclear Fusion: a Nice Dream,
but not about to come true (Georges Vendryes/EFN, december 2003, HTML
format, 8 ko)
Energy Resources for Nuclear
Fission and Fusion (Georges
Vendryes/EFN, september 2001, HTML format, 12 ko)
Hydrogen and future energy prospects
Scenarios with an Intensive
Contribution of Nuclear Energy to Our Energy Supply (Hervé Nifenecker/EFN, December
2004, DOC format, 1 Mo)
Hydrogen and Nuclear Power - Why
I am an Environmentalist FOR Nuclear Energy (Berol Robinson, January 2003,
HTML format, 20 ko)
Numbers are up for hydrogen
production - but a clean hydrogen economy will require a
massive deployment of new nuclear power plants (Paul M. Grant/Nature, 10th July
2003, HTML format, 20 ko)
Hydrogen: the Dim Reality (Robert F. Service, "The Hydrogen
Backlash," Science, 13 August 2004, HTML format, 8 ko)
The Hydrogen Hype (Joseph Romm, 3 March 2004, PDF format, 60 ko)
Iodine-sulfur hydrogen
production cycle
(ONRL, december 2002, PPT format, 252 ko)
Nuclear Energy, For a Clean
Energy Future
(John Ritch/World Energy Review, October 2003, p14-15, PDF
format, 1,8 Mo)
Power and Energy Independence - the Future of Hydrogen in
the United States (nuclear mentioned only once but in a positive
manner at the very end) (EETV interview of 3 US speakers,
HTML movie format, 30 minutes)
The strong dependence on oil of
Occidental countries creates a constant risk of Oil war.
This risk will increase as oil becomes more scarce in the
coming decade.
More than half of the oil consumed each year flows through
the Hormuz straight controlled by Iran.
Demain Quelles énergies ?
(Jacques HAMON)
La place du pétrole dans le
secteur de l'énergie - Un point de vue sur les besoins et
les approvisonnements en énergie à l'horizon 2050 (Pierre-René Bauquis - Institut
de l'Energie, n°52, 3ème trimestre 2001, 252 ko)
Horizon 2050, l'avenir de
l'énergie (Pierre-René Bauquis)
L'hydrogène pour remplacer
l'essence and le gazole ? (Revue "Naturellement" n°71, by André Salaun, JPG
format, 2002, 20 ko)
Bilan énergétique de la
fabrication and de la combustion de l'hydrogène à partir
de l'eau
(Jacques Frot, HTML format, 15 February 2003, 4 ko)
Life cycle analysis - comparison of energy sources
Externalities and Energy Policy:
The Life Cycle Analysis Approach (OECD/NEA, PDF format, 2,1 Mo)
Life-cycle analysis: cumulative
energy requirements (CER) and energy payback periods (EPP)
for the construction of various electricity production
means (OECD,
HTML format, 4 ko)
Quantités de matériaux requise
pour la construction des moyens de production
(OECD, HTML format, 8 ko)
L'hydrogène comme vecteur
(DGEMP, PDF format, 652 ko)
Grandfather Economic Energy Report (Michael Hodges and Jean
Laherrere, HTML format, 8 ko)
Electricity Generation costs in
the United States (NEI, JPG format, 76 ko)
Electricity Generation costs in
(NEA/OECD, JPG format, 52 ko)
Liberalization and costs in the
energy market in Italy (Paolo Fornaciari, october 2002, HTML format, 12
ko, and one JPG image: 64 ko)
Not If, But When Will the Oil
Production Peak Occur ? (Register Guardian/Laherrere, 27 September 2004,
HTML format, 8 ko)
Economics of nuclear energy in a
liberalised market (Stephen Kidd, October 2002, WNA, HTML format, 24
Externe Study of the European Commission (European Commission, 2003, HTML
External Costs for Electricity
Production (EC
Externe Study 2003 revised edition, HTML format, 4 ko)
The Future Econoimy of Nuclear
(University of Chicago Study, August 2004, PDF format, 3.7
Oil depletion rates in various
producing countries (PFC Consultants, 2004, JPG document, 92 ko)
Coût de production de
l'électricité en France - Electricity generation costs in
France (Etude
Energie 2010-2020 du Commissariat Général au Plan, HTML
format, 4 ko)
Coût de référence de la
production électrique en France - Electricity generation
costs in France
(DGEMP, 9 December 2003, HTML format, 4 ko)
Coût de l'électricité EDF -
Electricity generation costs of EDF (Audition de Mr Roussely à
l'Assemblée Nationale, 30 July 2002, HTML format, 4 ko)
Coût de la cogénération en
France = 900 millions d'Euros par an - Cogeneration costs
900 million Euros per year in France (Audition de Mr Roussely à
l'Assemblée Nationale, 30 July 2002, HTML format, 4 ko)
Dépenses de R and D dans le
domaine de l'énergie dans les pays développés (1996, HTML format, 8 ko)
Nuclear waste, reprocessing and dismantling
Nuclear Waste: Chasing Myths (Michel Lung, 25 April 2003, DOC
format, 484 ko)
Why Hanford's NuclearWaste
Cleanup Wastes Your Money (Michael Fox/21st Century, Summer
2004, PDF format, 220 ko)
Eurobarometer: poll on the
perception of nuclear waste in Europe (PDF format)
An International Peer Review of
the Yucca Mountain Project (OECD, PDF format)
Monitoring and surveillance of
residues from the mining and milling of uranium and
thorium (IAEA,
2002, PDF format, 896 ko)
The Decommissioning and
Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities (OECD, PDF format)
Reversibility and Retrievability
in Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste (OECD, PDF format)
Spent Fuel is too valuable to be
Nuclear Waste
(John K. Sutherland/, June 2004, HTML
format, 16 ko)
Press release of associations on
nuclear waste in Bar le Duc on 26 9 05 (EFN, SFEN, CNSIF, MNLE, 26
september 2005, DOC format, 1 page, 32 ko)
Well managed nuclear waste are
no danger: solutions exist, we must apply them (Bruno Comby/EFN, 20 July 2005,
DOC format, 2 pages, 376 ko)(exists also in longer version of 4 pages)
Results of research projects on
high-level long-lived nuclear waste in the context of the
French law of 1991 (François Loos/Industry Minister, 20 June 2005,
DOC format, 40 ko)
10 Questions to P. Bacher and R.
Guillaumont on nuclear waste (P. Bacher and R.
Guillaumont/French Academy of Technologies, 8 november 2004,
DOC format, 80 ko)
Declaration of EFN on the
recycling of nuclear waste for the public hearing at La
Hague (B. Comby)
Long-Lived Nuclear Waste: a
Challenge for Democracy
Interview on Radio France Cherbourg on the 25
November 98
Nuclear Waste are a political
problem, not a technical problem (Hervé Nifenecker, 22 February
2003, HTML format, 8 ko)
European Directive of 18 May
1981 on the recycling of nculear waste (CEE, 18 May 1981, HTML format, 4
Radioactive waste, a simple and
realistic approach (Jacques Pradel/SFRP, March 2003, HTML format, 28
Radioactive Waste, a well solved
problem (Jean
Moreau, April 2003, HTML format, 8 ko)
Illicit Trafficking of
Weapons-Usable Nuclear Material (American Physics Society, HTML
format, September 2004, 44 ko)
Consequences of atomic-bomb
testing in the Pacific Ocean
North Korea does not respect the
(Libération/ A. Ly, 15 nov 2002, 20 ko, HTML format)
Testimony of a Hiroshima
Survivor - Dr Yumi Akimoto (introduction to the Japanese
edition of the book "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy") (EFN, April 2002, HTML format,
also available in French)
Speach given by the President of
EFN in Hiroshima in April 2002
"Environmentalists For Nuclear
Energy" - presentation made by EFN in Hiroshima in April
2002 (EFN, PPT
format, April 2002)
Photo of a Hiroshima Victim (Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum,
photo 7 August 1945, JPG format)
All the photos of EFN in
Hiroshima in April 2002 (EFN, April 2002, JPG format)
About a hypothetical terrorist
attack on a nuclear power plant (B. Comby/EFN, 22 october 2001,
HTML format, 12 ko)
Dirty Bombs, Hysteria and
Misinformation (John K. Sutherland/EFN, June
2002, HTML format, 12 ko)
Targetting a Nuclear Power Plant
is not easy: see this comparison of the huge size of the
WTC and Pentagon Buildings, compared with the much smaller
size of a Nuclear Power Plant (NEI illustration, Dec 2002, JPG
format, 36 ko)
A detailed technical analysis
concludes that nuclear installations would not be an
attractive target for terrorists. Report No. 374 (Nov
2001) of the National Center for Public Policy Research (physicists Gerald Marsh and
George Stanford, November 2001, HTML format 24 ko)
Film close up of the impact of a
F4 fighter plane on a concrete block 3.6 meter thick (Sandia Laboratories, 1988,
format .MPG, 1,1 Mo)
Film large view of the impact of
a F4 fighter plane on a concrete block 3.6 meter thick (Sandia Laboratories, 1988,
format .MPG, 2,2 Mo)
Nuclear Power Plants and Their
Fuel as Terrorist Targets (Science Magazine, November 2002, PDF format, 176
Crash Impact Analyses for a
Boeing 767-400 Weighing 200 tons Demonstrates Nuclear
Power Plant's Structural Strength (EPRI, December 2002, PDF format,
372 ko)
Suicide plan against a nuclear
power plant (La
Recherche, n°355, December 2002, JPG format, 300 ko).
Study of the Impact of an
Aircraft Crash on a Nuclear Power Plant (NEI, December 2002, DOC format,
688 ko)
Incidents and major risks in
civilian nuclear energy (Michel Lung, June 2002, DOC format, 168 ko)
Terrorism and nuclear power
plants: a much exagerrated risk (Agence Science Presse, 23
September 2002, HTML format, 24 ko)
Impact of a F4 fighter plane of
33 tonnes on a concrete block 3,6 meter thick (EFN, 27 nov 2002, HTML format,
16 ko + photos and films of Sandia National Laboratories)
Toxicity of Becquerels (Source Jacques Pradel,/SFRP,
2002, HTML format, 4 ko, French version)
A little
Poison can be good for you (Fortune, 23 June 2003, HTML format, 30 ko)
Health Effects of Ionising Radiation (WNA, March 2005, PDF format, 84
toxicology rethinks its central belief (Edward J. Calabrese,
Nature/volume 421, 13 February 2003, PDF format, 72 ko)
Longevity is
the most appropriate measure of health effects of
radiation (Pr
John R. Cameron, April 2003,published in BJR-2003, HTML
format, 12 ko)
Longevity is
the best measure of health effects of radiation (Pr John R. Cameron, April 2003,
Presentation given to the Florida chapter of the Health and
Physics Society, PPT format, 96 ko)
The true
health effects of radiation (Y.C. Luan, July 2004,
Presentation given in Moscow/Russia, PPT format, 212 ko)
Beneficial effects of radon
steambaths on health in Bad-Gastein (Austria) (Bad Gastein flyer, JPG format,
384 ko)
relationships and estimation of the carcinogenic effects
of low doses of ionizing radiation (Aurengo/French National Academy
of Medicine, March 6th, 2005, format HTML, 16 ko)
What becomes of
nuclear risk assessment in light of radiation hormesis ? (Jerry Cuttler,
July 2004, DOC format, 160 ko)
French Academy of Medicine
recommendation of 4 December 2001 (Academy of Medecine, 4 December
2001, HTML format, 44 ko)
Les faibles
doses de rayons X ne seraient pas cancérogènes (Le Monde, 23 avril 2005, HTML
format, 30 ko)
Low doses of raduioactivity: a
revolution in radioprotection (Emmanuel Grenier /Fusion n°77,
1999, HTML format, 68 ko)
Effects on Health of Very Doses
of Radioactivity
(Bruno Comby, "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy", TNR
Editions, 2001, HTML format, 8 ko)
Natural Radioactivity and Public
Health (Bruno
Comby, HTML format, 8 ko, 12 October 2002)
The linear extrapolation of the
effects of high doses of radiation to the effects of low
doses has no scientific backing, says the National Academy
of Medicine in July 2003 (Academy of Medecine, July 2003, PDF format, 84
Nuclear and health (Conference of Pr Arthus, PPT
format, November 2002, 3,4 Mo)
Nuclear Energy: the Witch Hunt (Alvin Weinberg, 1981, HTML
format, 8 ko)
Effect of low doses of radiation
on health
(Henri Joffre/EFN, HTML format, 120 ko)
About norms in radioprotection
(Bruno Comby)
Speech of the President of EFN,
Chairman of the 20th Congress of Radioprotection ATSR
Table of elements - click on the
element of your choice in the table (Mark Winter/University of
Sheffield/United Kingdom, updated, HTML format)
Abundance of Natural Elements in
(Greenwood, Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, Pergamon,
1984, JPG format, 40 ko)
About the Oklo Natural Uranium Reactor in Gabon (James Lovelock, source: "Ages of Gaia", HTML format, 16 ko)
Oklo, Natural Nuclear Reactor (US/DOE, 2004, HTML format, 12
Oklo, the Natural Nuclear
(Frédéric Lewino/Le Point, 18 November 2004, HTML format, 4
ko)(also available in French)
Mining for Miracles - Radon
cures in a Montana Gold Mine (National Geographic, vol. 205,
n°1, January 2004, HTML format, page 1, 2, 3, 4)
Oil and Gas emit much more
radioactivity into the North Sea than Nuclear Plants (Marina II study, European
Commission/LMC Dutton & colleagues, June 2003, HTML
format, 4 ko)
High background radiation areas
in Ramsar, Iran (S.M. Javad Mortavazi)
Preliminary biological study of
the inhabitants of Ramsar in Iran (Mortavazi & al.)
Exposure from natural radiation
sources (UNSCEAR Report 2000, annex B, 74 p.)
Nuclear Reactions in the Sun are
the Source of Many Energies on Earth (PDF)
The Virtual Radiation Museum -
information about natural radiation and nuclear energy in
general (Pr
John Cameron, 2004, HTML format)
Natural Radioactivity on the
beach of Espiguette in Camargue (Southern France) (Bruno Comby, source: EFN News,
11 September 2003, HTML format, 28 ko)
Photos of EFN making
measurements at the beach of Espiguette (B. Comby, 15 July 2003, JPG
Technical study of the IPSN on
the high natural radioactivity on the beaches of Camargue
Origin of Natural Radioactivity
on the Beach of Espiguette in Camargue (BRGM, 28 November 2002, HTML
format 28 ko)
Radon 222, natural radioactive
gas in the atmosphere
The natural Reactor at Oklo in
Gabon (La
Lettre du Nucléaire n°20, oct 2002, HTML format, 12 ko)
Speach on natural radioactivity
Plutonium is natural! (Jacques
Pradel) (the same in DOC format)
Natural radioactivity in Kerala
Should we evacuate the planet?
(about natural radioactivity of the Mont Blanc Mountain) (Jacques Pradel/EFN)
Speach about polonium (Jacques Pradel)
Natural Radioactivity and Public
Health (Bruno
Comby/EFN, 12 October 2002, HTML format, 8 ko)
Water, natural Radioactivity and
Radioactive Elements (EFN/Michel Karatchentzeff and Jacques Pradel,
January 2003, PDF format, 488 ko)
Review of the book
"Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy" by the Health &
Physics Society
(Health & Physics, June 2002, HTML format, 4 ko).
An Environmentalist For Nuclear
Energy (Teppo
Tiilikainen/Suomen Kuvalethi, November 2001, HTML format, 12
Opposition to nuclear energy is
(Bruno Comby/The Canberra Times (Australie), 17 October
2002, HTML format, 12 ko)
Chernobyl, Effects on Public
Health (Pr
Andre Aurengo published by APS, October 2002, HTML format,
84 ko)
The Causes of the Chernobyl
Event (Jacques
Frot, published by the APS, 17 October 2002, HTML format, 28
Technologies for a Greenhouse
Planet (Martin
I. Hoffert, New York University,published in SCIENCE, volume
298, pp 981-7, 1 November 2002, PDF format, 270 ko)
Scientists say a quest for clean
energy must begin now (Andrew C. Revkin in the NY Times, 1 November
2002, HTML format, 16 ko)
Green options fall short, study
says: wind, solar power and tree planting won't do (Anne McIlroy in the Toronto
Globe and Mail, January 2003, HTML format, 66k)
Nuclear Energy, oui, Merci ! (Michel Brem/EFN, L'Expansion
n°661, March 2002, JPG format, 76 ko)
Chernobyl, Who lies? (Jacques Dixmier, France Soir, 2
January 2003, JPG format, 4 ko)
Presentation of EFN - the
association in English in PDF format or in French in PDF format (to recommend the association to
your friends) or in English in HTML format or in
French in HTML format
Presentation of the web site:
choose the English or French version and download the file
in French or in Englsh, in Black or in color: FR-black FR-color EN-black EN-color (our suggestion: choose the color
version if you are going to print this document on a color
printer, and the black version if you are going to print
this document in black)
FAQ - Frequently asked questions about EFN-
answers to a student's questions (Berol Robinson - EFN
correspondent, May 2003, HTML format, 8 ko)
The book "Environmentalists For
Nuclear Energy"
National debate on energies in France (1st semester 2003)
In view of
the decision of the French Government to buil or not a new
EPR reactor, EFN has actively participated in the "National
Debate on Energies" which was held during the first semester
of 2003 in France, paving the road for the National Energy
Law in 2004, defining the major energy orientations for
France in the next 30 years.
In total, about 40 different events, expositions and lectures were organized by EFN to inform the public in this National Debate which led to the decision of constructing an EPR reactor in Normandy.
If you want to contribute to this web site, for better, more complete and straightforward information of the public, you may send us your texts and contributions, in their final presentation. All texts should be written clearly, in a way that is understandable to non-specialists, preferably in HTML format.
You must be the original author of all texts, photos, and diagrams, or authorized by the other proprietors if any. By sending these texts contributions and photos to EFN, you and all other authors involved automatically authorize EFN to make this information public, to post it on its web site, and to communicate it to its various mailing lists, in English and in any other languages. You authorize EFN to translate the text(s) in any language(s) and to equally post and distribute these translations.
All texts received will be submitted to the Editorial Committee of EFN.
If you speak one or several foreign languages, and if you have some time available, your help can be very useful to EFN if you can translate some documents into one or other language(s). First, check the complete list of translated documents already available. The documents are to be translated using an HTML Editor, without altering or changeing the links and the page layout.
Send us the translated documents by e-mail? The editorial Committee will check your translation and install the translated document on the web site to make it available to all our visitors. Click here for more detailed instructions about the translations.