Juridical actions of
is determined to use all legal methods including legal actions to
achieve its aim of better informing the public. It undertakes
legal and juridical action, either offensive or defensive, whenever
necessary, in coordination between the association's board and the
juridical action group of the association.
EFN's in-laws have been especially
adapted in december 1999 in order to facilitate juridical actions in
national, european, american or international juridictions.
Some examples of EFN's legal
actions :
- Legal action of EFN against
anti-nuclear activists : in June 1999, EFN's booth was violently
assaulted in the city of Tours in an environmental expo, in
central France. A group of about 50 hostile and violent
anti-nuclear activists attacked the booth presenting EFN and the
Bruno Comby Institute, and publicly insulted, threatened and
violently attacked the 3 volunteers of EFN who were calmly
informing the public about the benefits of clean nuclear energy in
this expo, and presenting Bruno Comby's books in favor of a more
natural lifestyle. The opponents of EFN were found guilty in this
affair, and they were sentenced to pay financial compensation to
the President of EFN and to the Bruno Comby institute. This legal
victory against the anti-nuclear activists, puts in light the
violent methods used by some anti-nuclear organizations who
pretend to be pacifists. Read
all the details concerning this affair.
- Legal action in the French
Supreme Court to halt the political decision of stopping the
operation Superphenix (fast neutron 1300 MW reactor) and
dismantling it. This decision was taken by the newly elected
green-socialist coalition in May 1997, without taking in
consideration the scientific and economical facts, the important
contribution of Superphenix to the protection of the environment,
and the need to develop this type of reactor for sustainable
energy production in the future. The way this decision was taken
and applied was, in addition, in violation of the fundamental law
of December 11th, 1963 applicable to all nuclear installations on
the French territory (the Law provides that public enquiry must be
undertaken before the dismantling operations start, but no public
enquiry was done, the Greens wanted to "sabotage" the reactor as
quickly as possible, to render the dimsantling operations
irreversible as quickly as possible, without further delay in case
they wouldn't remain in Government long enough). Unfortunately,
the Supreme Court argued on technical details that the action was
not valid (to please the Greens that were then in Government), and
the dismantling operations are now quite advanced. Nevertheless,
EFN played an important role in showing how un-democratic the
decision of stopping Superhenix was, and in reminding the public
about the importance of rapid neutron reactors for the future of
the energy supply of humanity.
- The web site www.ecolo.org
and the mailing lists of EFN were assaulted by anti-nuclear
hackers (presenting themselves "fucknuclear") in the beginning of
2004. Over 100 000 illegal, insulting and false e-mails were sent
to EFN and technical assaults were made on EFN's web site by
hackers in similar proportions on numerous occasions and with
great determination, using sophisticated techniques, sometimes
blocking the web site during a few days (spring 2004), before
protective procedures were enhanced. EFN filed a lawsuit, to
identify and punish these illegal actions. The judgement is under
way. The hackers could be punished by 3 years of emprisonment and
a fine of 45000 Euros. It seems that some of those big
anti-nuclear organizations are calling names at us (their mental
age: 5-7 years old). Visit the web site www.ecolo.org
that they don't want you to see, and that the anti-nukes are
(unsuccessfully) trying to tear down! Thanks to them for giving us
this opportunity of enhancing the web site's security and to show
the public how undemocratic their methods can be.
- Several other legal actions
are under way and in preparation.
Laws are made for public good and
should be respected by all citizens !