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Click here to see the members of the Board of EFN-CANADA
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De Raad van Bestuur bestaat momenteel uit:
Bruno Comby is afgestudeerd aan de zeer
gerespecteerde Ecole Polytechnique en heeft een hogere graad
in nucleaire techniek van de Nationale Universiteit voor
Geavanceerde Technologie in Parijs. Hij is een bekend
Europees ecoloog en tevens auteur van acht bestsellers over
gezondheid en ecologie (een miljoen lezers in tien talen).
Meer informatie over de Voorzitter
Boek Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (published in English, as well as in French, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, etc.).
Human radiobiology and
radioprotection expert, engineer in nuclear physics,
graduate of the Radium Institute, the National
University of Advanced Sciences and the University of
Radioelectricity in France, former radiobiology
professor, former head of the human and environmental
radiobiolgy unit at the CEA (120 persons), former head of
department of dismantling of nuclear installations (220
He has been actively helping
EFN since 1997 and is the Vice-President of
EFN-International since 2012, and a member of the Scientific
Committee of EFN.
Arthur DARDE, graduated from the Ecole Centrale of Paris, works
as an expert in the area of energy and environmental
protection. His first job as a young engineer was to work
for Air Liquide on oxy-combustion, carbon dioxyde
sequestration and storage. He currently manages large scale
energy conservation projects, optimization of energy
performance and sustainable construction projects for
His CV on Linked In :
Vincent GINOCCHIO, is a computer engineer.
He is the current treasurer of
Andere leden van EVK:
Prof. James Lovelock, Fellow of the Royal Society,
uitvinder, wetenschapper, beroemd auteur en ecoloog. Doctor
Honoris Causa van verschillende universiteiten in de wereld.
Hij is een van de leiders in ecologisch bewustzijn. Hij is
de auteur van de Gaia-theorie, gepresneteerd in "Het
tijdperk van Gaia" (1979) en "De Gaia Theorie" (1988),
waarin de gehele aarde, de atmosfeer, biosfeer en de oceanen
beschouwd worden als een zelfbesturend organisme.
Lees zijn introductie voor het boek "Ecologen Voor Kernenergie"
Dominique VIGNON
Now retired, he
was the Chairman and CEO of Framatome (now AREVA) from
1996 to 2002. He has devoted most of his
career to the planning, design and construction of Nuclear
Power Plants. Inside the French Utility, EDF, he led the
unit in charge of the Basic Design of the French nuclear
fleet and was involved, as Technical Director of the
French-German team, in the design of the European
Pressurized Reactor (EPR). He had technical and management
positions in numerous nuclear internaitonal projects. He is an international nuclear
expert and founding partner of NUC ADVISOR.
Jacques Gollion, gepensioneerd, specialist in bosmanagement,
afgestudeerd aan de zeer gerespecteerde Ecole Polytechnique
(1951) en and Transmissies Universiteit van Montargis. Hij
is zeer gemotiveerd om schone energievormen te promoten voor
de toekomst.
He has spent most of his
professional career developing sodium reactors : Rhapsodie,
Phenix and Superphenix in France. He joined EFN shortly
after it was created, was very helpful in the early years of
EFN's develoment in Europe and remained the treasurer of
Delphine Plet, recentelijk afgestudeerd aan de EPF Polytechnic University (foto's genomen bij Sellafield).
Jacques Frot, voormalig topman in de
olieindustrie, specialist in olieprijzen, fossiele
brandstoffen en de raffinage van olieproducten. Dhr. Frot is
lid van het wetenschappelijk comit� van EVK en leider van de
"COMmunicatieGRoep" (GR COM) van EVK.
Still rides his bicycle
10,000 km per year at age 83.
doctoraat in nucleaire natuurkunde van de Johns Hopkins
University, ecoloog, voormalig internationaal ambtenaar bij
Berol was one of the first to drive a
Toyota Prius.
Read his paper about hydrogen, his letter to the IHT and his paper The benefits of nuclear energy
In his
professional life, he was a chartered accountant -- after
retiring he became a poet, writer, consultant, composer.
"Now, retired, what I would really like to do, personally,
is to spend most of my remaining time, as a late beginner,
composing music. But when I look at my five grandsons, I
wonder what sort of world we're about to leave to their
generation -- which is what prompted me to look at the
important goals of EFN and then to the creation of
EFN-CANADA. Here is a bio of my somewhat unfocused life...".
Jerry CUTTLER then became the second President of EFN-CANADA
after Rod ANDERSON. Rod died in 2014 : thanks so much
Rod, for all you did and for creating EFN-CANADA. Rest in
Florin, doctoraat in natuurkunde,
Roemeens specialist op het gebied van energie en het milieu.
Simone Weiss, zuster, voormalig anti-nucleair activiste tegen
Superphenix in de jaren '70 en '80. In de jaren '90 raakte
zij overtuigd van de mogelijkheden van kernenergie en hielp
in 1996 mee aan de oprichting van EVK. She died in 2007.
Late Michel LUNG Master of Science (University of Washington,
1955), graduated from the University of Physics and
Chemistry of Bordeaux (1952), with a post-graduate in
nuclear and technical sciences (Saclay, 1956), former export
manager of SGN, Michel was an excellent chemist and a
fervent protector of the environment (he owned vines in
Bordeaux from which he made his own organic wine). He
designed and built the first nuclear reprocessing plant in
Japan (Tokai). Michel was Vice-Secretary of
EFN-International and played a great part in helping setting
up EFN and spreading the word since the organization was
created. He was a fervent supporter of hormesis, fought
against the anti-scientific LNT theory and was a cofounder
of EFN-USA in 2003. This picture of Michel was taken
at Sellafield in the UK in 2006. Michel
away on
December 21st, 2007.
Ivana Paukertova-Glatt, inwoonster van Tsjechi�, vooral
gemotiveerd door de bescherming van het milieu.
Former President of the
international UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Health Effects of Radiation) he was one of the
world's top specialists in radiological protection and on
the health effects of radiation. A fervent promoter of
radiation hormesis, and also an alpinist. One of the best
world experts on radiation protection, he passed away on 12
November 2011.
web site today
Document by Zbigniew Jaworowski on Tchernobyl disaster and LNT
Document by Zbigniew Jaworowski : "
Chernobyl, the fear of the unknown "
Document by Zbigniew Jaworowski : "
Radiation hormesis, a solution to the fear of radiation "
Brendan Mc NAMARA, a fusion scientist, is the President of EFN-UK.
Stephen Stretton, the previous President of EFN-UK, is a University of Cambridge economist currently working for Goldman Sachs in London. In addition to helping EFN INTERNATIONAL and setting up EFN-UK, he is also a member of several energy and environmental groups.
See EFN-UK's web site here:
Richard McNEALL lives in Cheltenham (NSW).
Fervent kayaker, is the President of EFN-AUSTRALIA.
More about the Honorary Chair of EFN-CANADA
See Patrick Moore's video
interview at the headquarters of EFN in Houilles
in 2014 : |
Click here to see the members of the Board of Directors of EFN-USA.
Click here to see the members of the Board of EFN-CANADA.