To pay by credit card, note the amount of your payment and click on the
small icon just below :
Payment by credit card (in Euros):
1/ fill out, print (on paper or PDF), and
fax this page to +33 9 55 29 00 22 or e-mail it in PDF format to nuc-jp[at]ecolo.org
(spam prevention: replace [at] by @) -
2/ click on the visa card logo and follow the instructions. Most credit
cards are accepted (Visa, Mastercard, American Express...). The amount
of your payment will be debited from your credit card account. Do not
send your credit card number to EFN, please make the payment yourself
as indicated by clicking on the visa card above. The transmission of your
credit card number is securized by https protocol.
Payment by cheque (in Euros): fill
out, print, and send this membership registration form by traditional
mail with your cheque. Cheques are to be denominated in EUROS and to be
drawn on a French bank. If your bank is not in France, ask your
banker to prepare a cheque drawn on a French bank. Eurocheques are not
Payment by wire transfer (in Euros):
1/ fill out, print (on paper or PDF), and fax this page to +33 9 55
29 00 22 or e-mail it in PDF format to nuc-jp[at]ecolo.org
(spam prevention: replace [at] by @)
- 2/ send an e-mail to nuc-jp[at]ecolo.org
asking for instructions concerning payment by wire transfer. You will
receive instructions by e-mail.
According to the law, you have the right
to access and correct the computerized information which concerns you.