Science Reviews 23:193-203;1998
Bernard L. Cohen
University of Pittsburgh
an initial perspective, it is interesting to compare nuclear waste with the
analogous waste from a single large coal-burning power plant. The largest
component of the coal burning waste is carbon dioxide gas, produced at a rate
of 500 pounds every second, 15 tons every minute. It is not a particularly
dangerous gas, but it is the principal contributor to the "greenhouse
effect" that is raising so much international concern and threatening the
health of our world economy.. Among the other wastes from coal burning,
probably foremost is sulfur dioxide, the principal cause of acid rain and perhaps
the main source of air pollution's health effects, released at a rate of a ton
every 5 minutes. Then there are nitrogen oxides, the second leading cause of
acid rain and perhaps also of air pollution. Nitrogen oxides are best known as
the principal pollutant from automobiles and are the reason why cars need
expensive pollution control equipment which requires them to use lead-free
gasoline; a single large coal-burning plant emits as much nitrogen oxide as
200,000 automobiles. The third major coal burning waste is particulates,
including smoke, another important culprit in the negative health effects of
air pollution. Particulates are released at a rate of several pounds per
second. And next comes the ash, the solid material produced at a rate of 1,000
pounds per minute, which is left behind to cause serious environmental problems
and long-term damage to our health. Coal-burning
plants also emit thousands of different organic compounds, many of which are
known carcinogens. Each plant releases enough of these compounds to cause two
for three cancer deaths per year. And then there are heavy metals like lead,
cadmium, and many others that are known or suspected of causing cancer; plus a
myriad of other health impacts. Finally there is uranium, thorium, and radium,
radioactive wastes released from coal burning that serve as a source of radon
gas. We will show that the impact of this radioactive radon gas from coal
burning on the public's health far exceeds the effects of all the radioactive
waste released from nuclear plants.
The waste produced from a nuclear plant
generating the same amount of electricity is different from coal-burning wastes
in two very spectacular ways. The first is in the quantities involved: the
nuclear waste is 5 million times smaller by weight and billions of times
smaller by volume. The nuclear waste from 1 year of operation weighs about 1.5
tons and would occupy a volume of half a cubic yard, which means that it would
fit under an ordinary card table with room to spare. Since the quantity is so
small, it can be handled with a care and sophistication that is completely out
of the question for the millions of tons of waste spewed out annually from our
analogous coal-burning plant.
second pronounced difference is that the nuclear wastes are radioactive,
providing a health threat by the radiation they emit, whereas the principal
dangers to health from coal wastes arise from their chemical activity. This
does not mean that the nuclear wastes are more hazardous; on nearly any
comparison basis the opposite is true. For
example, if all the air pollution emitted from a coal plant in one day were
inhaled by people, 1.5 million people could die from it, which is 10 times the
number that could be killed by ingesting or inhaling the waste produced in one
day by a nuclear plant.
is obviously an unrealistic comparison since there is no way in which all of
either waste could get into people. A more realistic comparison might be on the
basis of simple; cheap, and easy disposal techniques. For coal burning this
would be to use no air pollution control measures and simply release the wastes
without inhibition. This is not much worse than what we are doing now since the
smoke abatement techniques, which are the principal pollution control on most coal-burning
plants, contribute little to health protection. A typical estimate is that air
pollution causes at least 25 deaths per year from each plant. Some other
comparably serious consequences will be considered later.
nuclear waste; a simple, quick, and easy disposal method would be to convert
the waste into a glass--a technology that is well in hand--and simply drop it
into the ocean at random locations. No one can claim that we don't know how to
do that! With this disposal, the waste produced by one power plant in one year
would eventually cause an average total of 0.5 fatalities, spread out over many
millions of years, by contaminating seafood. Incidentally, this disposal
technique would do no harm to ocean ecology. In fact, if all the world's electricity
were produced by nuclear power and all the waste generated for the next hundred
years were dumped in the ocean, the radiation dose to sea animals would never
be increased by as much as one percent above its present level from natural
thus see that if we compare the nuclear and coal wastes on the basis of cheap,
simple, and easy disposal techniques, the coal wastes are (25 / 0.6 =) 40 times
more harmful to human health than nuclear wastes. This treatment ignores some
of the long-term health effects of coal burning to be discussed later.
and very different, way of comparing the dangers of nuclear and coal waste is
on the basis of how much they are changing our exposures to toxic agents. The
typical level of sulfur dioxide in the air of American cities is 10 times
higher than natural levels, and the same is true for the principal nitrogen
oxides. For cancer causing chemicals the ratio is much higher. These are
matters that might be of considerable concern in view of the fact that we
really do not understand the health effects of these agents very well. For
radioactive waste from a flourishing nuclear industry, on the other hand,
radiation exposures would be increased by only a tiny fraction of 1 % above
natural levels.
basis for comparison between the wastes from nuclear and coal burning is the
"margin of safety," or how close average exposure is to the point
where there is direct evidence for harm to human health. There have been
several air pollution episodes in which there were hundreds of excess deaths,
with sulfur dioxide levels about 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter, whereas
levels around 100
micrograms per cubic
meter, just 10 times less, are quite common in large cities. For radiation. on
the other hand, exposures expected from hypothetical problems with nuclear
waste are in the range of 1 millirem or less, tens of thousands of times below
those for which there is direct evidence for harm to human health.
All of these
comparisons have been intended as an introduction to the subject. Now, let us
look into the problem in some detail.
the most frequent question about nuclear power is, "What are we going to
do with the radioactive waste?" The answer is very simple- we are going to
convert it into rocks and put it in the natural habitat for rocks, deep
underground. T he next question is usually, "How do you know that will be
safe?" Answering that question is our next topic for consideration.
discussion will be in terms of the high-level waste produced by one large power
plant (1,000,000 KW) in one year. The
high-level waste from such a plant is contained inside the fuel. If we are to have reprocessing. the 35 tons
of spent fuel will be shipped to a chemical reprocessing plant where it will be
dissolved in acid and put through chemical presses to remove 99.5% of the
uranium and plutonium that are valuable as fuels for future use. The
residue--1.5 tons of high-level waste--will then be incorporated into a glass
in the form of perhaps 30 cylinders, each about 12 inches in diameter and 10
feet long. weighing about 1.000 pounds. There is a great deal of research on
materials that may be superior to glass as a waste form, but far more is now
known about glass, a material whose fabrication is simple and well developed.
There is no evidence that it is not satisfactory. Many natural rocks are
glasses and they are as durable as other rocks.
15 tons of waste glass, roughly one truckload, will then be shipped to a
repository, where it will be permanently emplaced deep underground. The
estimated cost of handling and storing our one truckload of waste is $5
million, which
corresponds to 0.07
cents per kilowatt-hour. about I% of the cost of electricity to the consumer.
often I hear citizens saying "We don't want a waste dumping ground in our
area." This conjures up a picture of dump trucks driving up and tilting
back to allow their loads of waste to slide down into a hole in the ground.
Clearly it doesn't cost $5 million for each truckload to do this, especially on
a mass-handling basis. What is planned, rather, is a carefully researched and
elaborately engineered emplacement deep underground in an elaborately designed
mined cavity.
may be of incidental interest to point out that the present $5 million price
tag on storing one year's waste from one plant is several hundred times higher
than the cost of the original plan as formulated in the 1960s. Those conversant
with the earlier plan are still convinced that it provided adequate safety.
although the added expenditures do, of course, contribute further safety. This
tremendous escalation in the scope of the project is a tribute to the power of
public hysteria in a democracy like ours, whether or not that hysteria is
justified. It is also an application of Parkinson's Law--it
was clearly
acceptable to devote 1% of the cost of electricity to disposal of the waste, so
the money was “available”, and being available, the government has found ways
to use it.
have been many safety analyses of waste repositories, and alt of them agree
that the principal hazard is that somehow the waste will be contacted by
groundwater, dissolved, and carried by the groundwater into wells, rivers, and
soil. This would cause contamination of drinking water supplies or, through
pick-up by plant roots, contamination of food. It could therebv
get into human stomachs.
chance of this waste becoming suspended in air as a dust and inhaled by humans
is very much smaller because groundwater rarely reaches surface soil; moreover,
we inhale only about 0.001 grams of dust per day {and 95% of this is filtered
out by hairs in the nose, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi and removed by mucous
flow), whereas we eat over 1,000 grams of food per day. It is shown in Appendix
A that an atom in the top inch of U.S. soil has 1 chance in 10 billion per year
of being suspended as a dust and inhaled by a person, whereas an atom in a
river, into which groundwater normally would bring the dissolved waste, has 1
chance in 10 thousand of entering a human stomach. Thus, an atom of waste. has
a much better chance of becoming absorbed into the body with food or water than
with inhaled dust.
irradiation by radioactive materials in the ground is also a much lesser
problem. Rock and soil are excellent shielding materials; while the waste
remains buried. not a single particle of radiation from it can ever reach the
surface., Compare this with the 15,000 particles of radiation from natural
sources that strike each of us every second. If radioactivity is released by
groundwater, this shielding is still effective as long as it remains
underground or dissolved in river water. If the radioactivity does somehow
become deposited on the ground surface, it will soon be washed away or into the
ground by rain. The great majority of the radiation is absorbed by building
materials, clothing, or even the air. Thus, there would be relatively little
exposure to the human body due to radiation originating from materials on the
calculations confirm that food and water intake is the most
important mode of
exposure from radioactive waste, a position agreed upon in all safety analyses.
Hence we will limit our consideration to that pathway. In order to estimate the
hazard, we therefore start by determining the cancer risk from eating or
drinking the various radioactive materials in the waste.
begin by estimating the number of cancer deaths that would be caused if all of
the waste from one year of operation of a large nuclear plant were fed to people.
The method for calculating this, outlined in Appendix B. is a straightforward
application of
standard health physics methodology. Here we only discuss the results. If this
were done shortly after burial; we would expect 50 million fatal cancers, whereas
if it were done after 1,000 years there would be 300,000, and if after a
million years there would be 2,000. Note that we did not specify how many
people are involved because, as long as there are enough people involved, that
does not matter, according to the linear no-threshold theory conventionally
utilized in these calculations.
nuclear power was used to the fullest practical extent in the United States, we
would need about 300
power plants of the type now in use. The waste produced each year would then be
enough to kill (300 x 50 million = ) over 10 billion people. This may sound
like an impressive number, but we produce enough chlorine gas each year to kill
400 trillion people, enough phosgene to kill 20 trillion, enough ammonia and
hydrogen cyanide to kill 6 trillion with each, enough barium to kill 100
billion. and enough arsenic trioxide to kill 10 billion. All of these numbers
are calculated, as for the radioactive waste, on the assumption that all of it
gets into people. Hopefully, these comparisons dissolve the fear that, in
generating nuclear electricity, we are producing unprecedented quantities of
toxic materials.
calculation can also be used to estimate how much of the waste glass, converted
into digestible form, would have a good chance of killing a person who eats
it---this may be called a "lethal dose."` the results are as follows:
after burial: 0.01 oz.
100 years: 0.1 oz.
600 years: 1 oz.
20,000 years: 1 lb.
Lethal doses for some
common chemicals are as follows:
compounds: 0.01 oz.
cyanide: 0.02 oz.
trioxide: 0. I oz.
0.7 oz.
Note that the nuclear
waste becomes less toxic with time because radioactive materials decay, leaving
a harmless residue, but the chemicals listed retain their toxicity forever.
By comparing these
two lists we see hhat radioactive waste is not infinitely toxic, and in fact it
is no more toxic than some chemicals in common use. Arsenic trioxide, for
example, used as an herbicide and insecticide, is scattered on the ground in
regions where food is grown, or sprayed on fruits and vegetables. It also
occurs as a natural mineral in the ground, as do other poisonous chemicals for
which a lethal dose is less than one ounce.
the waste loses 99% of its toxicity after 600 years, it is often said that our
principal concern should be limited to the short term, the first few hundred
years. Some people panic over the requirement of security even for hundreds of
years. They point
out that very few of
the structures we build can be counted on to last that long, and that our
political, economic, and social structures may be completely revolutionized
within that time period. The fallacy in that reasoning is that it refers to our
environment here on the surface of the earth. where it is certainly true that
most things don't last for hundreds of years. However, if you were a rock 2,000
feet below the surface, you would find the environment to be very different. If
all the rocks under the United States more than 1.000 feet deep were to have a
newspaper, it couldn't come out more than once in a million years, because
there would be no news to report. Rocks at that depth typically last many
hundreds of millions of years without anything eventful occurring. They may on
rare occasions be shaken around or even cracked by earthquakes or other
diastrophic events, but this doesn't change their position or the chemical
interaction with their surroundings.
One way to comprehend the very long term
toxicity in the waste is to compare it with the natural radioactivity in the
ground. The ground is, and always has been, full of naturally radioactive
materials--principally potassium, uranium, and thorium. On a long-term basis
(thousands of years or more), burying our radioactive waste would increase the
total radioactivity in the top 2.000 feet of U.S. rock and soil only by 1 part
in 10 million. Of course, the radioactivity is more concentrated in a waste
repository, but that doesn't matter. The number of cancers depends only on the
total number of radioactive atoms that get into people, and there is no reason
why this should be larger if the waste is concentrated than if it is spread out
all over the country. In fact, quite the opposite is the
case -- being concentrated in a carefully selected site deep underground with
the benefit of several engineered safeguards and subject to regular
surveillance provides a given atom far less chance of getting into a human
stomach than if it is randomly located in the ground. Incidentally, it can be
shown that the natural radioactivity deep underground is doing virtually no
damage to human health, so adding a tiny amount to it is truly innocuous.
it is pointed out that concentration of the waste in one place does not
increase the health hazard, one common complaint is that it does mean that the
risks will be concentrated on the relatively small number of people who live in
that area. That, of course, is true, but it is also true for just about any
other environmental problem. We in Pittsburgh suffer from the air pollution
generated in making steel for the whole country; citizens of Houston and a few
other cities bear the brunt of the considerable health hazards from oil
refineries that make our gasoline, and there are any number of similar
examples. The health burden from 'these inequities is thousands of times larger
than those from living near a nuclear waste repository will ever be.
calculation shows that the toxicity of the uranium ore originally mined out of
the ground to produce the fuel from which the waste was generated is larger
than the toxicity of the waste after 15,000 years; after that the hazard from
the buried waste is
less than that from
the ore if it had never been mined. After 100,000 years, there is more
radioactive toxicity in the ground due to the natural radioactivity in the
rock.directly above the repository (i.e., between the buried waste and the
surface) than in the repository itself.
The design of the
waste package to be buried includes several features to mitigate the hazards.
For the first few hundred years, when the toxicity is rather high, there is a
great deal of protection through various time delays before the waste can
escape through groundwater. First and foremost, the waste will be buried in a
rock formation in which 'there is little or no groundwater flow, and in which
geologists are as certain as possible that there will be little groundwater
flow for a very long time. If the geologists are wrong and an appreciable
amount of water flow does develop in the rock formation in which the waste is
buried, it would first have to dissolve away large fractions of that rock --
roughly half of the rock would have to be dissolved before half of the waste is
dissolved. This factor might seem to offer minimal protection if the waste is
buried in salt, since salt is readily dissolved in water. However, in the New
Mexico area, where a repository for defense waste has been constructed, if all
the water now flowing through the ground were diverted to flow through the
salt, ii would take a million years to dissolve the salt enclosing the
repository. The quantity of salt is enormous, while the water flow is not a
stream but more like a dampness, slowly progressing through the ground.
next laver of protection is the backfill material surrounding the waste
package. This will be a clay, which tends to swell when wet to form a tight
seal keeping water flow away from the package.
If water should penetrate the backfill, before it can reach the waste it must get past the metal casing in which the waste glass is to be sealed. Materials for this casing have been developed that give very impressive resistance to corrosion. One favorite is a titanium alloy. which was tested in a very hot (480 deg-F, versus a maximum expected repository temperature of 250 deg-F) and abnormally corrosive solution, and even under these extreme conditions, corrosion rates were such that water penetration would be delayed for a thousand years. Under more normal groundwater conditions, these casings would retain their integrity for hundreds of thousands of years. Thus, the casings alone provide a rather complete protection system even if everything else fails.
next layer of protection is the waste form, probably glass, which is not readily
dissolved. Glass artifacts from ancient Babylonia have been found in river
beds, where they have been washed over by flowing river water--not just by the
slowly seeping dampness which better describes groundwater conditions--for
3.000 years without dissolving away.
A Canadian experiment with waste
glass buried in soil permeated by groundwater indicates that it will last for a
hundred million years--i.e., only about one 100 millionth dissolves each year.
suppose that somehow some of the waste did become dissolved in groundwater.
Groundwater moves very slowly, typically at less than 1 foot per day--in the
region of the New Mexico site it moves only about 1 inch per day and at the
Yucca Mountain, Nevada site which is under investigation it moves only 0.03
inches per day. Furthermore, groundwater deep underground does not ordinarily
travel vertically upward toward the surface; it rather follows the rock layers,
which tend to be essentially horizontal, and hence it typically must travel
about 50 miles before reaching the surface. In the New Mexico area it must
travel over a hundred miles and at the Nevada site at least 30 miles. Anyone
can easily calculate that to travel 50 miles at 1 foot per day takes about
1,000 years, so this again gives a very substantial protection for the few
hundred years that most concern us here. (Long-term effects will be considered
the radioactive material does not move with the velocity of the groundwater. It
is constantly filtered out by adsorption on the rock material, and as a result
it travels hundreds or thousands of times more slowly than the groundwater. If
the groundwater takes a thousand years to reach the surface, the bulk of the
radioactive materials would take hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
thus have seven layers of protection preventing the waste from getting out
during the first few hundred years when it is highly toxic; (1) the absence of
groundwater, (2) the insolubility of the surrounding rock, (3) the sealing
action of the
Backfill material;
(4) the corrosion resistance of the metal casing, (5) the insolubility of the
waste glass itself, (6) the long time required for ground water to reach the
and (7) the filtering
action of the rock. But even if all of these protections should fail, the
increased radioactivity in the water would be easily detected by routine
monitoring, and the water would not be used for drinking or irrigation of food
crops; thus there would still be no damage to human health.
next task is to develop a quantitative estimate of the hazard from buried
radioactive waste, extending indefinitely into the future. Our treatment is
based on an analogy between buried radioactive waste and average rock. We will justify
this analogy later, but it is very useful because we know a great deal about
the behavior of average rock and its interaction with groundwater. Using this
information in a calculation outlined in Appendix C demonstrates that an atom
of average rock 2000 feet below the surface has one chance in a trillion each
year of being dissolved out of the rock, eventualIy being carried into a river
or well, and ending up in a human stomach.
the spirit of our analogy between this average rock and buried radioactive
waste, we assume that this probability also applies to the latter; that is, an
atom of buried radioactive waste has one chance in a trillion of reaching a
human stomach each year. Since we know from our calculation outlined in
Appendix B the consequences of all of the waste reaching a human stomach, all
we need do is multiply those results by one-trillionth to obtain the number of
fatal cancers expected each year. For example, if all of the waste were to
reach human stomachs a thousand years after burial, there would be 300,000
deaths, but since only one-trillionth of it reaches human stomachs each year,
there would be (300,000 / 1 trillion =) one chance in 3 million of a single
death each year.
we really want to know is the total number of people who will eventually die
from the waste. Since we know how many will die each year, we simply must add
these up. Totalling them over millions of years gives 0.014 eventual deaths.
might ask how far
into the future we should carry this addition, and therein lies a complication
that requires some explanation.
the measured rate at which rivers carry dissolved and suspended material into
the ocean each year, it is straightforward to calculate that the surfaces of
the continents are eroding away at an average rate of 1 meter (3.3 feet) of
depth every 22,000 years. (All the while the continents are being uplifted such
that on an average the surface remains at about the same elevation.) Nearly all
of this erosion comes from river beds and the minor streams and runoff that
feed them. However, rivers change their courses frequently; changing climates
develop new rivers and eliminate old ones (e.g., 10,000 years ago the Arizona
desert was a rain forest): and land areas rise and fall under geological
pressures to change drainage patterns. Therefore, averaged over very long time
periods, it is reasonable to assume that most land areas erode away at roughly
this average rate, 1 meter of depth every 22,000 years. This suggests that the
ground surface will
eventually erode down to the level of the buried radioactive waste. Since the waste will be buried at a depth
of about 600 meters, this may be expected to occur after about (600 x 22,000 =)
13 million years. When it happens, the remaining radioactivity will be released
into rivers, and according to estimates developed in Appendix A, one part in
10,000 will get into human stomachs.
the process of adding up the number of deaths each year should be discontinued
after 13 million years; that was done in calculating the number of deaths given
above as 0.014. To this we must add the number of deaths caused by release of
the remaining radioactivity into rivers. The calculation in Appendix C shows
that this leads to 0.004 deaths. Adding that number to the 0.014 deaths during
the first 13 million years gives 0.018 as the total number of eventual deaths
from the waste produced by one power plant in one year. This is the -final
result of this section, 0.018 eventual fatalities. Recall now that air
pollution, one of the wastes from coal burning, kills about 25 people in
generating the same amount of electricity. We see that this one waste from coal
burning is a thousand times more injurious to human health than are the
high-level nuclear wastes.
closing this section, readers with a scientific bent may be interested in t1 he
justification for the basic assumption used in arriving at our estimate; the
analogy between buried radioactive waste and average rock. Actually, there are
three ways in which the waste may be less secure:
The radioactivity in the waste continues to generate heat for some time after
burial, making the buried waste considerably hotter than average rock. There
has been some fear that this heat may crack the surrounding rock, thereby
introducing easy pathways for groundwater to reach the waste and/or to carry
off the dissolved radioactivity. This question has been extensively studied
since the late 1960s, and the conclusion now is that rock cracking is not a
problem unless the temperature gets up to about 650°F. The actual temperature
of the waste can be controlled by the extent to which it is diluted with inert
glass and by the spacings chosen for burial of the waste packages. More
dilution and larger spacings result in lower temperatures. In the repositories
now envisioned, these factors will be adjusted to keep the temperature below
250°F, which leaves a large margin of safety relative to the 650°F danger
point. If it is decided that this margin should be larger, the easiest
procedure would be to delay the burial, since the heat evolving from the waste
decreases tenfold after a hundred years, and a hundredfold after 200 years.
Above ground temporary storage facilities for waste packages have been
designed, and there would be no great difficulty or expense in building them.
The waste glass will be a foreign material in its environment and hence will
not be in chemical equilibrium with the surrounding rock and groundwater.
However, chemical equilibrium is a surface phenomenon. Since rocks are largely
composed of silica, groundwater reaching the waste package would be saturated
with silica. As the waste glass is largely silica, when groundwater reaches it,
the silica of its surface can only be dissolved by precipitating out the most
insoluble silica compounds which then coat the surface. As this coating builds
up in thickness, it shelters the material beneath from further interaction with
the groundwater. The dissolution of the waste glass is therefore effectively
stopped after only a minute quantity of it is dissolved.
3. Shafts must be dug down from the surface in order to emplace the waste packages. This might provide access routes for intrusion of water and subsequent escape of dissolved waste that are not available to ordinary rock. The seriousness of this problem depends on how securely the shafts can be sealed. That is a question for experts in sealing, and the general opinion among the experts is that the shafts can be sealed to make them at least as secure as the original undisturbed rock.
we have discussed the three ways in which buried waste may be less secure than
the average rock used in our analogy. it is
appropriate to point out ways in which it is more secure. In the first
place, burial will be in an area free of groundwater flow, whereas the rock we
considered was already submerged in flowing groundwater. Second, it will be in
a carefully chosen rock environment, whereas the rock in our analogy is in an
average environment; it might, for instance, be in an area of extensive rock
fracturing. Third, the waste package will be in a special casing which provides
extreme resistance to water intrusion, a protection not available to average
rock; this casing should provide adequate protection even if everything else
goes wrong. And finally, if any radioactive waste should escape and get into
food and water supplies, it would easily be detected by routine monitoring
programs in plenty of time to avert any appreciable health consequences.
balancing the ways in which buried waste is more secure and less secure than
the average rock submerged in groundwater with which we compared it, it seems
reasonable to conclude that our analogy is a fair one. If anything, it overestimates the dangers from the waste.
should be pointed out that there are other methods than the one presented here
for quantifying the probability for an atom of material in the ground to enter
a human stomach. For example, we know the amounts of uranium and radium in the
human body from measurements on cadavers, and we know the amounts in the
ground. From the ratios of these, we can estimate the probability per year for
an atom of these elements in the ground to enter a human body. This gives a
result in good agreement with that of the calculation we presented.
sometimes hears a complaint that the demonstration we have given is invalid
because we don't know how to bury waste. How anyone can possibly be so naive as
to believe that we don't know how to bury a simple package is truly a challenge
to the imagination. Many animals bury things, and people have been burying
things for a million years. Any normal person could easily suggest several
different ways of burying a waste package. Why, then, are we devoting so much
time and effort to developing a waste burial technology? The problem here is to
decide on the best way of burying the waste to maximize its security. Whether
it is worthwhile to go to such pains to optimize the solution is highly
questionable, especially since we have shown that even the haphazard burial of
average rock by natural processes would provide adequate safety. But the
public's irrational worries about the dangers
have forced our
government to spend large sums of money on the problem . Actually, we are
paying for it in our electricity bills. Fortunately, this increases these bills
by only
one percent.
order to appreciate the meaning of the result obtained in the last section
--018 eventual cancer deaths from each plant-year of operation -- it is useful
to put it in perspective by comparing it with the very long-term cancer risks
from the buried
wastes produced by
other methods of generating electricity. Here we consider certain types of
chemicals that cause cancer.
only reason buried radioactive waste has a calculable health effect is because
we are using a linear dose-response relationship, assuming, for example, that
if 1 million mrem causes a given risk, 1 mrem will cause a millionth of that
risk. This linear relationship does not apply to most toxic chemicals, like
carbon monoxide poisoning, for which there is a "threshold" exposure
required before there can be any harm. However, it is now widely believed that
a linear, no-threshold relationship is as valid for chemical carcinogens (i.e.,
chemicals that can induce cancer) as
for radiation. Basically. the reason for this thinking in both cases is that
cancer starts from injury to a single DNA molecule on a single chromosome in
the nucleus of a single cell, often induced by a single particle of radiation
or by a single carcinogenic molecule. The probability for this simple process
is not dependent on whether or not other carcinogenic molecules are causing
injury elsewhere. Thus the probability of cancer is simply proportional to the
number of carcinogenic molecules taken into the body, as described by a linear
relationship. This linear, no-threshold, dose-response relationship for
chemical carcinogens is officially accepted by all U.S. Government agencies
charged with responsibilities in protecting public health, such as the
Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational. Safety and Health
Administration, and the Food and Druq Administration.
particular carcinogens of interest in our discussion are the chemical elements
cadmium, arsenic, beryllium, nickel, and chromium. There is a considerable body
of information indicating that all of these cause cancer and enough
quantitative information to estimate the risk per gram of intake. All of them
are present in small amounts in coal. Therefore, when coal is burned, they are
released and eventually, by one route or another, end up in the ground. They
can then be taken up by plant roots and get into food. _ . _ .
in the case of radioactive waste, the principal problem in evaluating the
hazard is to estimate the probability for an atom of these elements in the
ground eventually to reach a human stomach. However, the problem is simpler
here because the toxicity in these carcinogenic elements does not decay with
time, as does that of radioactive waste. Since some quantity of these elements
is ingested by humans every year, if an atom remains in the ground
indefinitely, eventually after a long enough time, it has a good chance of
reaching a human stomach. However, there are other processes for removing
materials from the ground. The most important of these
is erosion of soil,
with the materials being carried by rivers into the oceans. The probability for
an atom in the ground to enter a human stomach is therefore the probability for
this to happen before it is washed into the oceans. This is just the ratio of
the rate for entering human stomachs to the rate of removal by erosion.
rates for both of these are known. From chemical analyses of food and the
quantity consumed each year; we can calculate the rate at which cadmium, for
example, enters human stomachs in the United States. From the rate at which
American soil is washed into oceans and the measured abundance of cadmium in
soil, we can calculate the rate at which cadmium is carried into oceans. We
thus can determine the probability for an atom of cadmium in the soil to enter
a human stomach before it is washed into the ocean. It turns out to be
surprisingly high, about 1.3%. it is 5 times smaller for arsenic, 20 times
lower for beryllium and nickel, and 60 times lower for chromium (cadmium atoms
are more easily picked up by plant roots because of their chemical properties).
we know the quantities of each of these carcinogenic elements deposited into
the top layers of the ground as a result of coal burning, the probability for
them to be transferred from the ground into humans, and their cancer risk once
ingested; it is straightforward to estimate the number of deaths caused by coal
burning. The result is about 50 deaths due to one year's releases from one
large plant. These deaths are spread over the time period during which the top
few meters of ground will be eroded away, about 100,000 years.
one takes a much longer-term viewpoint, these deaths would have eventually
occurred even if the coal had not been mined and burned, because after several
millions of years, erosion would have brought this coal near the surface, where
its cadmium, arsenic, beryllium, chromium, and nickel could have been picked up
by plant roots and gotten into food.
the fact that the coal was mined means that its turn near the surface is taken
by other rock which, we assume, has the average amount of these carcinogenic
elements in it. This carcinogenic material represents a net additional health
risk to humankind due to the use of coal. Taking this into account, the final
result is that there would be a net excess of 70 deaths. Note that this is
thousands of times larger than the 0.018 deaths from high-level radioactive
The chemical carcinogens also have an impact on the long term health consequences of electricity produced by solar energy. It is estimated that producing the materials for deployment of a solar array requires about 3% as much coal burning as producing the same amount of electricity by direct coal burning. The quantity of chemical carcinogens released in the former process is therefore 3% of those released in the latter, so in the very long term we may expect about 2 eventual deaths (3% of 70) from an amount of solar electricity equivalent to that produced by a large nuclear or coal-fired power plant in one year. This is a small number, but it is still a hundred times the 0.018 deaths from nuclear plant waste.
there may be much more important problems. A prime candidate material for
future solar cells is cadmium sulfide. When these cells deteriorate, that
material will probably be disposed of in one way or another into the ground.
The cadmium
introduced into the
ground in this way is estimated to eventually cause 80 deaths for the quantity
of electricity produced by a large nuclear plant in one year. Most of the
cadmium used in the U.S. is imported. Thus. in
contrast to the situation for coal, it would not have eventually reached the
surface of U.S. soil without this technology. Again we encounter consequences
thousands of times higher than the 0.018 deaths from radioactive waste.
may be bothered by the idea of adding up effects over millions of years as we
have been doing here. Personally, I agree with them. The idea of considering
effects over such long time periods was introduced by opponents of nuclear
power, who often insist that it be done. The analyses presented above show that
such a procedure turns out very favorably for nuclear power. However, there are
many good reasons for confining our attention to the "foreseeable
future." which is generally interpreted to be 100-1,000 years. Several
groups, including most government agencies, have adopted 500 years as a
reasonable time period for consideration, so we will use it for this
reason for ignoring lives that may be lost in the far future is not because
those lives are less valuable than our own or those of our closer progeny.
There surely can be no moral basis for any such claim. But there are at least
three reasonable and moral bases for ignoring the far distant future.
such basis is the improvement in cancer-cure rates. In recent years. they have
been improving by about 0.5% per year. It
is unlikely that cure rates will continue to improve at this rate. More
probably they will stagnate before long, or on the other hand there may be a
breakthrough leading to a dramatic improvement. But most knowledgeable people
agree that there is a good chance that cancer will be a largely curable disease
in 500 years. The deaths we calculate to occur after that time will therefore
probably never materialize.
second basis for ignoring deaths calculated to occur in the distant future is
what I call the "trust fund" approach. There are now many ways --
cancer screening programs and highway safety measures are examples -- in which
money can be used to save lives at a rate of about one life saved per $100,000
spent. But even suppose that so many improvements are initiated that it will
cost $1 million to save a life in the distant future (all our discussions
discount inflation). There is a continuous record extending back 5,000 years of
money always being able to draw at least 3% real (i.e., discounting inflation)
interest. Each dollar invested now at 3% interest is worth $2.5 million after
500 years and will therefore be capable of saving more than one life. It is
therefore much more effective in saving far future lives to set up a trust fund
to be spent in their time for that purpose rather than for us to spend money
now to protect, them from our waste. One might wonder about the mechanics and
practicality of setting up a trust fund to be transmitted to future
generations, but this is no problem. By overspending, we are now building up a
public debt that they will have to pay interest on, so rather than actually sat
up a trust fund, we need only reduce our spending and thereby leave future
generations with more money to use for lifesaving. By not spending profligately
on waste management, we do just that.
third basis for ignoring the distant future in our considerations is the
"biomedical research" approach. if we don't feel comfortable with the
"trust fund" approach of putting aside money to be spent in the
future for saving lives, we can save future lives by spending money today on
biomedical research. One study concludes that the $68 billion spent on such
research between 1930 and 1975 is now saving 100,000 lives per year in the
United States, one life per year for every $680,000 spent. Another study
estimates that the $20 billion spent in 1955-1965 is now saving 100;000 lives
per year, or one life per year for every $200,000 spent. Age-specific mortality
rates in the United States have been declining steadily in recent years: if
one-fourth of this decline is credited to biomedical research, the latter is
now saving one life per year for every $1 million spent. As the easier medical problems
are solved and the more difficult ones are attacked, the cost goes up. Let us
therefore say that for the near future, it will cost $5 million to save one
life per year in the United States, not to mention that it will save lives in
other countries. Over the next 500 years, saving one life per year will avert a
total of 500 deaths, a cost of $10,000 per life saved. If we extend our
considerations beyond 500 years, the price drops proportionally. Since we are
now spending many millions of dollars per future life saved in handling our
radioactive waste, it would clearly be much more beneficial to future
generations if we put this money into biomedical research.
The straightforward way to implement this alternative would be for the nuclear industry to contribute money to biomedical research rather than to improved long-term security of nuclear waste, but even that may not be necessary. The nuclear industry pays money to the government in taxes, and the government spends roughly an equal sum of money to support biomedical research. All that is necessary to implement an equitable program from the viewpoint of future citizens is that 0.1 % of this cash flow from the nuclear industry to government to biomedical research be redefined as support of biomedical research by the nuclear industry. If it would make people happier, the government tax on the nuclear industry could actually be raised by 0.1% and this money could be directly added to the government's biomedical research budget. No one would notice the difference since it is much less than a typical annual change in these taxes and budgets.
a result of any one of the above three rationales, or a combination of them,
many people, including myself, feel that we should worry only about effects
over the next 500 years. For their benefit we now consider the health effects
expected during that time period, from one year's operation of a large power
the high-level radioactive waste, the calculation we have previously described
added up over the first 500 years gives 0.003 deaths, most of them in the first
100 years. However, this ignores all the time delays and special protections
during this early time period that were outlined above: geologists feel
confident that no groundwater will intrude into the waste repository for at
least a thousand years; the corrosion-resistant casing is virtually impregnable
for several hundred years; it ordinarily takes groundwater a thousand years to
get to the surface; and so on.
Moreover, since it is
quite certain that some sort of surveillance would be maintained during this
period, any escaping radioactivity would be detected in plenty of time to
avert health
problems. These factors reduce the dancers at least 30-fold -- probably
much more -- to no
more than 0.0001 deaths. This is close to a million times less then the number
of deaths due to air pollution from coal burning.
chemical carcinogens released into the ground in coal burning do about 1
percent of their damage during the first 500 years; we may consequently expect
0.5 deaths in that period. (With a 500-year perspective, there is no need to
consider the much later effects of the coal reaching the surface by erosion if
it had not been mined.) We see that the effects of chemical carcinogens from
coal burning are 5,000 times worse than those of nuclear waste (0.5 / 0.0001).
similar reasoning, the chemical carcinogens from solar electricity will cause
0.015 deaths due to the coal used in making materials for it; if cadmium
sulfide solar cells are used. they will cause 0.8 deaths. Again these are far
greater than the 0.0001
deaths due to the
waste from nuclear power.
estimates that exposure to radon in homes is now causing about 14,000 fatal
lung cancers each year in the United States, more fatalities than are caused by
all other natural radiation sources combined. This radon is generated from the
decay of natural uranium in. the ground.
uranium is mined out of the around to make nuclear fuel, it is no longer there
as a source of radon emission. Since the great majority of uranium mined comes from depths well below 1 meter, the
radon emanating from it is often viewed as harmless. The fallacy of this
reasoning is that it ignores erosion. As the ground erodes away at a rate of 1
meter every 22,000 years, any uranium in it will eventually approach the
surface, spending its 22,000 years in the top meter, where it will presumably
do great damage. The magnitude of this damage is calculated in Appendix D,
where it is shown that mining uranium to fuel one large nuclear power plant for
one year will eventually save about 600 lives! This completely overshadows all
other health impacts of the nuclear industry, making it one of the greatest
lifesaving enterprises of all time if one adopts a very long-term viewpoint.
we can count these lives as permanently saved, we must specify what is to be
done with the uranium, for only a tiny fraction of it is burned in today's
nuclear reactors. There are two dispositions that would be completely
satisfactory from the lifesaving viewpoint. The preferable one would be to burn
it in breeder reactors and thereby derive energy from it. An easy alternative,
however, is to dump it into the ocean. Uranium remains in the ocean only for
about a million years before settling permanently into the bottom sediments.
All uranium in the ground is destined eventually to be carried by rivers into
the ocean and spend its million years therein. From a long-range viewpoint it
makes little difference to the health of humans or of sea animals if it spends
that time in the ocean now or a million years in the future. But by preventing
it from having its 22,000 year interlude within 1 meter of the ground surface,
we are saving numerous human lives from being lost due to radon.
one adopts the position that only effects over the next 500 years are relevant,
there is still an important effect from uranium mining because about half of
all uranium is surface mined. Approximately 1 % of this comes from within 1
meter of the ground surface where it is now serving as a source of radon
exposure. Calculations indicate that eliminating this source of exposure by
mining will save 0.07 lives over the next 500 years.
still have one more radon problem to discuss, namely, the radon released in
coal burning. Coal contains small quantities of uranium; when the coal is
burned, by one route or another, , this uranium ends up somewhere in the
ground. Again, the
problem is
complicated by the fact that, if the coal had not been mined, erosion would
eventually have brought the coal with its uranium to the surface anyhow. The
final result is that the extra radon emissions caused by the burning of coal in
one large power plant for one year will eventually cause 30 fatal lung cancers.
This toll, like so many others we have encountered here; is thousands of times
larger than the 0.018 deaths caused by the high-level waste produced in
generating the same amount of electricity from nuclear fuel.
discussed previously, solar electricity burns 3% as much coal as would be
needed to produce the same amount of electricity by direct coal burning. Solar
electricity should therefore be charged with (3% of 30 =) one death per year
from radon. This again, is far larger than the O.018 deaths per year from
high-level radioactive waste.
Probabilities for Entering a Human Body
inhale about 20 cubic meters of air per day, or 7,000 m3 per year. Dust levels in air from materials on the ground
becoming suspended are about 35 E-6 g/m3. Thus we inhale (20 x 35 E-6 =) 0.7
E-3 grams per day of material from the ground, or 0.25 grams per year.
area of the United States is about 1 E13 m2, so the volume of the top inch
(0.025 m) of soil is (.025 x 1E13 =) 2.5 E11 m3. Since the density of soil is 2 E6 g/m3, this soil weighs
(2 E6 x 2.5 E11 =) 5 E17 grams. Since
each person inhales 0.25 g/yr of this soil, the quantity inhaled by the U.S.
population (250 E6) is (250 E6 x 0.25 =) 6 E7 g/yr. The probability for any one
atom in the top inch of U.S. soil to be inhaled by a human in one year is
therefore (6 x 107 / 5 E17 =) 1.2 E-10, a little more than 1 chance in 10
The probability for
an atom in a river to enter a human is very much larger. The total annual water
flow in U.S. rivers is 1.5 E15 liters, whereas the total amount ingested by
humans is (2.2 liters/person per day x 365 days/year x 250 E6 =) 1.8 E11 liters
per year. Thus the probability for an atom in a river to be ingested by a human
is (1.8 E11 / 1.5 E15 =) 1.2 E-4, or a
little more than 1 chance in 10, 000 per year.
Calculation of death s caused if all of the waste enters human stomachs
illustrative purposes, let us calculate the number of liver cancers expected
from people eating 1 millicurie (3.7 E7 radioactive decays per second) of plutonium-239
(239Pu) that is present in the waste. Since the radiation emitted by 239Pu,
called alpha particles, does not go very far--It can barely get through a thin sheet of paper -- this material can
cause liver cancer only if it gets into the liver. Experiments indicate. that
0.01% of ingested 239Pu gets through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract
into the bloodstream, and of this, 45% is deposited in the liver; thus (3.7 E7
x 0.0001 x0.45 =) 1,700 alpha
particles strike the liver each second. Since 239Pu remains in the liver for an
average of 40 years (1.2 E9 seconds), the total number of alpha particles that
eventually strike the liver is (1,700 x 1.2 x E9 =) 2 E12. This is multiplied by the energy of the alpha particle to
give the energy deposited, 1.5 joules, which is then divided by the mass of the
liver, 1.8 kg, and multiplied by a conversion factor to give the dose in
millirem, 1.6 E6.
risk of liver cancer per millirem of alpha bombardment is estimated from
studies of patients exposed for medical purposes to be 0.015 E-6 per millirem.
The number of liver cancers expected from eating 1 millicurie of 239Pu is
therefore (1.6 E6 x :015 x E-6 =)
0.024. Since the waste produced in one year by one plant contains 6 E4 millicuries of 239Pu, the number of liver
cancers expected if this were fed to people would be (6 E4 x 0.024 =) 1,400.
once 239Pu gets into the bloodstream, it can also get into the bone--45%
accumulates there, and it stays for the remainder of life; it therefore can
cause bone cancer. A calculation like that outlined above indicates that 700
cases are expected. When other body organs are treated similarly, the total
number of cancers expected totals 2,300 if all of the plutonium in the waste
from one year of operation of one nuclear power plant were fed to people.
quantity of 239Pu in the waste does not stay constant, for two reasons. Every
time a particle of radiation is emitted, a 239'Pu atom is destroyed, causing
the quantity to decrease. But 239Pu is the residue formed when another
radioactive atom,
americium- 243, emits
radiation, which adds to the quantity. These two effects cause the toxicity of
the plutonium to vary with time in a manner that can easily be accurately
There are many other
radioactive species besides 239Pu in the waste; similar calculations are done
for them and the results are added to give the total number of deaths expected
if all the waste produced by one power plant in one year were fed to people in
digestible form.
APPENDIX C: Probability
for an Atom of Rock to Enter a Human Stomach
the measured rate at which rivers carry dissolved material into oceans, it is
straightforward to calculate that an average of 1.4 E-5 meters of depth is
eroded away each year. Hydrologists estimate that 26% of this erosion is from
dissolution of rock by groundwater; the rest is from surface water. Thus (0.26
x 1.4 E-5 =) 3.6 E-6 meters of depth
are dissolved annually by groundwater. The fraction of this derived from 1
meter of depth at 600 meters below the
surface may be estimated from our knowledge of how groundwater flow varies with
depth; it is about 2.6 x E-4. The total amount of rock derived from our 1 meter
of depth in 1 year is then (3.6 E-6 x 2.6 E-4 =) 1 E-9 meters per year. If 1 E-9 meters is removed loved from 1
meter of depth each year, the probability for any one atom to be removed is 1
E-9, one chance in a billion per year. This result applies to all rock,
averaged over the continent.
now provide an alternative derivation for an atom of rock which is submerged in
groundwater. Consider a flow of groundwater, called an aquifer, along a path
through average rock and eventually into a river. There is a great deal of
information available on aquifers, like their paths through the rocks, the
amount of water they carry into rivers each year, and the amounts of various
materials dissolved in them. From the latter two pieces of information, we can
calculate the quantity of each chemical element carried into the river each
year by an average aquifer--i.e., how much iron, how much uranium; how much
aluminum, etc.
did this iron, uranium, and aluminum in the groundwater come from? Clearly,
this material was dissolved out of the rock. From our knowledge of the path of
the aquifer through the rock and the chemical composition of rock, we know the
quantity of each of
the chemical elements that is contained in the rock traversed by the aquifer.
We can therefore calculate the fraction of each element in the rock that is
dissolved out and carried into the river each year. For example, a particular
aquifer may carry 0.003 pounds of uranium into a river each year that it
dissolved out of a 50mile-long path through 200 million tons of rock that
contains 1;000,000 pounds of uranium as an impurity (this is typical of the
amount of uranium in ordinary rock). The fraction of the uranium removed each
year is then 0.003/1 ,000,000, or 3 parts per billion. Similar calculations
give 0.3 parts per billion for iron, 20 parts per billion for calcium, 7 parts
per billion for potassium, and 10 parts per billion for magnesium. To simplify
our discussion, let us say that 10 parts per billion of everything is removed
each year--this is faster than the actual removal rates for most elements. This
means that the probability for any atom to be removed is 10 chances in a
billion each year. This is 10 times larger than our first estimate, 1 chance in
a billion. This is partly explained by the fact that most rock is not submerged
in groundwater, as we have assumed here. But the important point is that we
have given two entirely independent derivations and have arrived at roughly the
same result. To be conservative, we will, use the higher probability, 10
chances in a billion per year. Incidentally, this result implies that for
ordinary rock submerged in groundwater, only 1 % is removed per million years
[(10/1 billion) x 1 million = 0.01], so it will typically last for 100 million
was shown in Appendix A that an average molecule of water in a river has 1
chance in 10,000 of entering a human stomach before flowing into the Oceans.
For materials dissolved in the water, the probability is somewhat smaller
because some of it is removed in drinking water purification processes, but the
probability is increased by the fact that some material in rivers finds its way
into food and enters human stomachs by that route. These two effects roughly
compensate one another. We therefore estimate that material dissolved in rivers
has 1 chance in 10,000 of getting into a human stomach.
Since an atom of the
rock has 10 chances in a billion of reaching a river each
year, and once in ! a
river has 1 chance in 10,000 of reaching a human stomach, the overall
probability for an atom of the rock to reach a human stomach is the product of
these numbers (10 / 1 billion) x (1 / 10,000) =) 1 chance in a trillion per
year. That is the value used in our discussion. In more elaborate treatments,
use of well water and irrigation water is included, but the final result is
essentially the same.
In considering
effects of erosion; we assumed that all the waste would be released into rivers after 13 million years.
According to the calculation in Appendix B, if all of the
waste remaining at
that time were to get into human stomachs, about 40 deaths would be expected.
But we have just shown that if the material is released into rivers, only 1
atom in 10,000 reaches a human stomach; we thus expect (40/10,000 =) 0.004
deaths. That is the result used in our discussion
Radon-caused deaths averted by mining uranium to fuel nuclear plants
radon to which we are now exposed comes from the uranium and its decay products
in the top 1 meter of U.S. soil, since anything percolating up from deeper
regions will decay before reaching the surface. From the quantity of uranium in
soil (2.7 parts per million) and the land area of the United States (contiguous
48 states), it is straightforward to calculate that there are 66 million tons
of uranium in the top meter of U.S. soil. This is now causing something like 14,000
deaths per year from radon, and will continue to do so for about 22,000 years,
the time before it erodes away. This is a total of (14,000 x 22;000 =) 300
million deaths caused by 66 million tons of uranium, or 4.5 deaths per ton. As
erosion continues, all uranium in the ground will eventually have its 22,000
years in the top meter of U.S. soil and will hence cause 4.5 deaths per ton.
In obtaining fuel for
one nuclear power plant to operate for 1 year, 180 tons of uranium is mined out
of the ground. This action may therefore be expected to avert (180 x 4.5=) 800
deaths. This must be corrected for the effects of radon emitted from uranium
mill tailings, not considered here, which reduces the net effect to 600 deaths