Birth:  June 14, 1924, Pittsburgh, PA




B.S., Case-Western Reserve University, 1944

M.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1947

D.Sc., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1950




Permanent Positions:


1950-58:  Oak Ridge National Laboratory

   - Group Leader for Cyclotron Research

1958-1994:  University of Pittsburgh

   - Professor of Physics

   - Adjunct Prof. Of Chemistry

   - Adjunct Prof. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

   - Adjunct Prof. of Radiation Health,Grad. School of Public Health

   - Adjunct Prof. Of Environmental and Occupational Health, GSPH

   - Director, Scaife Nuclear Laboratory (1965-78)

1994-present: University of Pittsburgh, Professor-Emeritus


Temporary Positions (1-9 months):


1959-60:  - General Atomic Co., LaJolla, CA

1962:     - Institute for Defense Analysis, Washington, D.C.

1964:        -    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1965:     - Brookhaven National Laboratory

1969:     -  Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

1971:     - Stanford University

1974-75:  -  Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

1975:     - Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA

1978-79:  -  Argonne National Laboratory




Member, National Academy of Engineering

Am. Physical Society Bonner Prize(Nuclear Physics) - 1981

Am. Nuclear Society Public Information Award - 1985

Health Physics Soc. Distinguished Scientific Achievment Award -1992

Am. Nuclear Society Walter Zinn Award (Advancement of Nuclear Power)-   1996

Am. Nuclear Soc. Special Award (Health Effects of Radiation)-1996

Landauer Award (Health Physics Soc. - N. California Section) - 1981




Chairman, Am. Physical Society Div. of Nuclear Physics - 1974-75

Chairman, Am. Nuclear Society Div.of Environmental Sciences - 1980-81

National Council, Am. Assn. of Physics Teachers - 1973-78

Chairman, Health Physics Soc. Intersociety Liaison Com. - 1984-86

Chairman, Am. Physical Society Bonner Prize Committee - 1982

President, Physical Society of Pittsburgh - 1963-64

President, West PA Section, Am. Assn. of Physics Teachers - 1969-70





Am. Physical Society Panel on Public Affairs - 1977-79

Am. Assn. of Physics Teachers Com. on Science Education for the

    Public - 1977-79

ASTM Sub-Committee E-06.4109 on Radon Infiltration into Buildings

ASTM Sub-Committee D-22.05 on Indoor Air Quality

ASTM Sub-Committee E-10.04.43 on Radiation Protection Cost-Benefit

Am. Physical Society Bonner Prize Com. - 1970, 1976, 1982

Am. Phys. Soc. Div. of Nuclear Physics

   - Executive Com. - 1970-73, 1973-76

   - Com. on Economic Concerns (Chairman) - 1973-76

Am. Nuclear Soc. Div. of Environmental Sciences

   - Publications Com. - 1977-78

   - Program Com. - 1978-79

   - Executive Com. - 1979-82

Health Physics Society - Publications Com. 1988-1991, 1994-1997

Health Physics Society - Committee on Risk Assessment 1988-1994

Health Physics Society - Public Information Committee 1991-1994

Royal Society of Canada Committee on Health and Safety -1989





American Council on Science and Health

Americans for Energy Independence

Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)




Heart of the Atom, Doubleday (1967) -Translations in French, German,    Italian, and Japanese

Concepts of Nuclear Physics, McGraw-Hill (1971) -Translation in

   Arabic, Republished by Tata McGraw-Hill (India)

Nuclear Science and Society, Doubleday (1974)

Before It's Too Late: A Scientist's Case for Nuclear Power, Plenum

        (1983) - Translation in Turkish

Radon, Consumer Reports Books (1987), Avon Books (1989)

The Nuclear Energy Option, Alternative for the Nineties, Plenum

        (1990)-Translations in Japanese and Spanish




about 300 articles in Scientific journals

about 80 articles in other journals and books




-about 160 invited papers at scientific meetings


-about 500 invited visiting talks at universities, laboratories, etc.


-Invited talks in 47 U.S. States (+DC), 6 Canadian Provinces,

         6 Australian states and territories, 7 Japanese prefectures,

   24 other countries in Europe, Asia, and South America


-about 50 television appearances, about 100 radio appearances


-TV appearances include shows with Barbara Walters, William

   Buckley, Charlie Rose, Geraldo Rivera, Rolanda




Health effects of radiation

Probabilistic risk assessment

Radon problems

Plutonium problems

Radioactive waste

Societal risks and risk aversion

Energy and the environment

Nuclear physics
































"Theory of Natural Alpha Radioactivity," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 80, 105L, 1950.


"(n,2n) and (n,p) Cross Sections," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 81, 184, 1951.


"Angular Distributions from (alpha,n) and (d,n) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 81, 632, 1951.


"(d,n) Reactions with 15 MeV Deuterons. II Neutron Energy Spectra and Yields," B. L. Cohen and C. E. Falk, Phys. Rev. 84, 173, 1951.


"High Energy Neutron Threshold Detectors," B. L. Cohen, Nucleonics, 8, 2, 29, 1951.


"Angular Distribution of Deuterons from Be9(p,d)Be8," B. L. Cohen, E. Newman, T. H. Handley, and A. Timnick, Phys. Rev., 90, 323, 1953.


"Gallium-64," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 91, 74, 1953.


"Theory of the Fixed Frequency Cyclotron," B. L. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instr., 24, 589, 1953.


"An Experimental Search for a Stable Dineutron," B. L. Cohen and T. H. Handley, Phys-. Rev., 92, 101, 1953.


"The Statistical Theory of Nuclear Reactions," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 92, 1245, 1953.


"Angular Distributions of 22-MeV Protons Elastically Scattered by Various Elements," B. L. Cohen and R. V . Neidigh, Phys. Rev., 93, 282, 1954.


"Experimental Studies of (p,t) Reactions," B. L. Cohen and T. H. Handley, Phys. Rev., 93, 514, 1954.


"Measurement of Angular Distributions of Nuclear Reaction Products with an Internal Cyclotron Beam," B. L. Cohen and R. V. Neidigh, Rev. Sci. Instr., 25, 255, 1954.


"Potassium-44," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 94, 117, 1954.


"(p,pn) and (p,alpha n) Excitation Functions," B. L. Cohen, E. Newman, R. A. Charpie, T. H. Handley, Phys. Rev., 94, 620, 1954.


"Angular Distributions of Fission Fragments from 22-MeV Proton Induced Thorium Fission," B. L. Cohen, W. H. Jones, G. H. McCormick, and B. L. Ferrell, Phys. Rev., 94, 625, 1954.


"Manganese-57," B. L. Cohen, R. A. Charpie, T. H. Handley, and E. L. Olson, Phys.- Rev.-, 94, 953, 1954.


"Fission and Total Reaction Cross Sections for 22-MeV Protons on Th232,   U235, and U238 ," G. H. McCormick and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 96, 722, 1954.


"Comparison of Nitrogen- and Proton-Induced Nuclear Reactions," B. L. Cohen, H. L. Reynolds, and A. Zucker, Phys. Rev 96, 1617, 1954.


"Angular Distributions and Yields of Neutrons from (p,n) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 98, 49, 1955.


"Angular Distributions of Fission Fragments from 22-MeV Proton-Induced Fission of U238,U235,U233,Th231" B. L. Cohen, B. L. Ferrell-Bryan, D. J. Coombe, and M. K. Hullings, Phys. Rev., 98, 685, 1955.


"(p,pn) and (p,2n) Cross Sections in Medium Weight Elements B. L. Cohen and E. Newman, Phys. Rev., 99, 718, 1955.


"(p,pn) + (p,2n) and (p,2p) Cross Sections in Medium Weight Elements," B. L. Cohen, E. Newman, and T. H. Handley, Phys. Rev., 99, 723, 1955.


"(p,gamma) Cross Sections," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 100, 206, 1955.


"Proton-Induced Reactions in Na23, A127, and Si29," B. L Cohen, Phys. Rev., 102, 453, 1956.


Energy Distribution of Mass-97 Fission Fragments from Thermal Neutron Fission of Uranium-235," B. Cohen,

A. Cohen, and C. Coley, Phys. Rev., 102, 1046, 1956.


"(p,He3) and (p,t) Cross Section Measurements," B. Cohen, E. Newman, H. Blosser, G. McCormick, Jour. Inorg.

Nucl. Chem., 2, 269, 1956.


"Anomalous Inelastic Scattering of 23-MeV Protons by Heavy Elements," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 105, 1549, 1957.


"Inelastic Proton Scattering and (p,d) Reactions in Heavy Elements," B. L. Cohen and S. W. Mosko, Phys. Rev., 106, 995, 1957.


"Cyclotrons and Synchrocyclotrons," B. L. Cohen, Handbuch der Physik, Bd44, Springer-Verlag, 1957.


"Coincidence Studies of the Ni 58(p,2p) Reaction," B. L. Cohen, Phys- Rev., 108, 768, 1957.


"Equilibrium Charge of Fission Fragments in Gases," B. Cohen, and C. Fulmer, Phys. Rev., 109, 94, 1958.


"Magnetic Analysis of the Long-Range Particles from Fission," B. Cohen and C. Fulmer, Phys. Rev., 108, 270, 1958.


"Fission Fragment Mass Separator and Nuclear Charge Distribution of Single Mass Fission Fragments," B. Cohen and C. Fulmer, Nucl. Physics, 6, 547, 1958.


"Further Studies of Anomalous Inelastic Scattering," B. L. Cohen and A. G. Rubin, Phys. Rev., 111, 1568, 1958.


"(p,alpha) Reactions in Heavy Elements," C. B. Fulmer and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev, 112, 1672, 1958.


"Inelastic Proton Scattering in Medium-Weight Elements,"B. L. Cohen and A. G. Rubin, Phys. Rev., 113, 579, 1959.


"Determination of Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms from Energy Spectra of Emitted Particles," B. L. Cohen and A. G. Rubin, Phys. Rev., 114, 1143, 1959.


"Resolution of Accelerator Magnetic Analyzing Systems," B. L. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instr., 30, 415, 1959.


"Reaction Mechanism in Direct Interaction Inelastic Scattering," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 116, 426, 1959.


"Geiger Counter Backgrounds," B. L. Cohen, Jour. Sci. Instr., 37, 475, 1960.


"The Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron," B. L. Cohen, H. G. Blosser, E. D. Hudson, R. S. Lord and R. S. Bender, Nucl. Instr. Meth., 6, 105, 1960.


"Energy Spectra of Protons from (d,p) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, J. B. Mead, R. E. Price, K. S. Quisenberry, and C. Martz, Phys. Rev. 118, 499, 1960.


"Preparation of Thin Targets from Powders," G. Fodor and B. L. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instr., 31, 73, 1960.


"Studies of Low Lying Levels in Even-even Nuclei with (d,p) and (d,t) Reactions," B. L. Cohen and R. E. Price, Phys. Rev. 118, 499, 1960.


"Location of 3s1/2 Level in Various Nuclei," B. L. Cohen and R. E. Price, Rucl. Phys., 17, 129, 1960.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Lead Region with (d,t) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, S. Mayo, R. E. Price, Nucl. Phys. 20, 360, 1960.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Lead Region with (d,p) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, R. E. Price, S. Mayo, Nucl. Phys. 20, 370, 1960.


"The Low Energy Protons Produced in the Deuteron Bombardment of Nuclei," E. W. Hamburger, B. L. Cohen, R. E. Price, Phys. Rev., 121, 1143, 1961.


"The Preformation Factor in Emission of Complex Particles from Nuclear Reactions," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 120, 925, 1960.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Tin Isotopes with (d,p) and (d,t) Reactions," B. L. Cohen and R. E. Price, Phys. Rev. 121, 1441, 1961.


"Regularities of (d,alpha) Reactions in Heavy Elements," J. B. Mead and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. Lett., 3, 105, 1960.


"Nuclear Reactions - Evaporation Model," B. L. Cohen, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physics, J. Thewles, Editor, Pergamon Press, 1961, p. 858.


"Survey of Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons by Heavy Elements," B. L. Cohen and R. E. Price, Phys. Rev., 123, 1961.


"Low Resolution Survey of (d,alpha) Reactions in Heavy Nuclei," J. B. Mead and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 125, 947, 1962.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Zirconium Region with Stripping Reactions," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 125, 1358, 1962.


Location of Single Particle Levels in Medium Mass Nuclei," B. L. Cohen, R. H. Fulmer, and A. L. McCarthy, Phys. Rev. 126, 698, 1962.


"Limitations of Accelerator Magnetic Analyzing Systems," B. L. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instr., 33, 85, 1962.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Lead Region with Stripping Reactions," P. Mukherjee and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. 127, 1284, 1962.


"Spin-Orbit Splittings in Nuclear Shell Model," B. L. Cohen, P. Mukherjee, R. H. Fulmer and A. L. McCarthy, Phys. Rev., 127, 1678, 1962.


"Neutron-Proton Interaction Between States of Same Orbital Angular Momentum in Nuclear Shell Model," B. L. Cohen, Phys-Rev., 127, 597, 1963.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the 82-Neutron Region with Stripping Reactions," R. H. Fulmer, A. L. McCarthy, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 128, 1302, 1962.


"Center of Mass Corrections in Nuclear Reaction Experiments," H. Lorenzi and B. L. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instr., 33, 278, 1962.


"Studies of 15 MeV Inelastic Deuteron Scattering," R. K. Jolly, E. K. Lin, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 128, 2292, 1962.


"Activation Cross Section Survey of Deuteron Induced Reactions," N. Baron and B. L. Cohen, Phys.- Rev., 129, 2636, 1963.


"Location of Neutron Single Particle Levels from Stripping Reactions," B. L. Cohen, R. H. Fulmer, A. L. McCarthy, P. Mukherjee, Rev. Mod. Phys., 35, 332, 1963.


"Observations on Energies of Single Particle Neutron States," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 130, 227, 1963.


"Nuclear Orbital Structure," B. L. Cohen, International Sci. and Tech., November, 1963, p. 65.


"Angular Distribution from Elastic Scattering of 15 MeV Deuterons," R. K. Jolly, E. K. Lin, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 130, 2391, 1963.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Zirconium Isotopes with (d,p) and (d,t) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, and 0. V. Chubinsky, Phys. Rev., 131, 2184, 1963.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Zinc Isotopes with Stripping Reactions," E. K. Lin and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev.,132, 2632, 1963.


Deuteron Stripping Studies in the Light Isotopes of Nickel," R. H. Fulmer, A. L. McCarthy, B. L. Cohen, and R. Middleton, Phys. Rev., 133, B995, 1964.


"A Simple Treatment of Potential Barrier Penetration," B. L. Cohen, Am. Jour. Phys., 33, 97, 1965.


"Neutron Binding Energies in Heavy Nuclei," B. L. Cohen, R. Pattell, A. Prakash, and E. J. Schneid, Phys. Rev., 135B, 383, 1964.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Molybdenum Isotopes with (d,p) and (d,t) Reactions," S. A. Hjorth, B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 135B, 920, 1964.


"Isomers with Half Lives in the Range 5-1000 Microseconds Observed in Pulsed 15 MeV Deuteron Beams," A. L. McCarthy, B. L. Cohen, and L. H. Goldman, Phys. Rev., 137, B520, 1965.


"Spectroscopic Factors from Deuteron Stripping Reactions Leading to Ground and First Excited States of Even-Even Spherical Nuclei," R. A. Sorenson, B. L. Cohen, and E. K. Lin, Phys. Rev. 142, 729, 1966.


"Nuclear Structure Studies in the Tin Isotopes with Stripping Reactions," E. J. Schneid, A. Prakash, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 156, 1316, 1967.


"High Resolution Study of the Fe54(t,p)Fe56 Reaction,"B. L. Cohen and R. Middleton, Phys. Rev., 146, 748, 1966.


"Locations of Neutron Single Particle States," Am. Jour. Physics, 33, 1011, 1965.


"Production of Carrier-Free Radioactive Isotopes with the University of Pittsburgh Cyclotron," B. L. Cohen and A. J. Allen, Isotopes and Radiation Technology, 3, 85, 1966.


"Inelastic Deuteron Scattering from Isotopes of Mo, Cd, Sn, and Te," Y. S. Kim and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 142, 788, 1966.


"Nuclear Reactions," B. L. Cohen and D. Halliday, Handbook of Physics, Edited by E. U. Condon and H. Odishaw, McGraw-Hill, 1967.


Heart of the Atom, B. L. Cohen, Science Study Series, Doubleday Publishing Company, New York, 1967. Also translations in French, German, Italian and Japanese.


"High Resolution Study of the Fe 56(t,p)Fe58 Reaction," B. L. Cohen, C. L. Fink, J. B. Moorhead, and R. A. Moyer, Phys. Rev., 157, 1033, 1967.


Nuclear Structure in Te127 from the Te126(d,p)Te127 Reaction," C. L. Fink, B. L. Cohen and S. Hinds, Phys. Rev. 157, 1114, 1967.


"Isobaric Analogue Resonances in the Scattering of Protons by Cd114," E. W. Hamburger, J. Kremenek, B. L. Cohen, J. B. Moorhead, and C. Shin, Phys. Rev., 162, 1148, 1967.


"Detection of the Singlet Deuteron(sd)and the Be9( Reaction," B. L. Cohen, E. C. May and T. M. O'Keefe, P4s. Rev. Lett., 18, 962, 1967.


"Nuclear Structure Studies with (d,p) Reactions on Pd 106 and Pd ," B. L. Cohen, J. B. Moorhead and R. A. Moyer, Phys. Rev. 161, 1257, 1967.


"Quantum Mechanical Treatment of the Hydrogen Atom without Complex Mathematics," B. L. Cohen, Am. Jour. Physics, _35, 849, 1967.



"Isobaric Analog Resonances in Proton Scattering from

Sn116, Sn118, and Sn124, E. W. Hamburger, E. J. Schneid, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., 161, 1208, 1967.


"Pulse Shapes in Surface Barrier Detectors," B. L. Cohen and C. L. Fink, Nuclear Instr. and Meth., 57, 93, 1967.


"Deuteron Disintegration by Au, Rh, Cu, and C from 8 to 15 MeV," E. C. May, B. L. Cohen and T. M. O'Keefe, Phys. Rev., 164, 1253, 1967.


"High Resolution Studies of (d,p) Reactions on Cd114 and

In115" J. B. Moorhead, B. L. Cohen, and R. A. Moyer, Phys. Rev., 165, 1287, 1968.

"The g7/2-h11/2 Anomaly in Stripping Studies Near A ~110," B. L. Cohen, J. B. Moorhead, L. H. Goldman, and R. C. Diehl, Phys. Rev., 176, 1401, 1968.


"(p,p'n), (p,p'y) and (p,np') Reactions on Sn119 and Ni61," B. L. Cohen, E. C. May, T. M. O'Keefe, C. L. Fink, and B. Rosner, Phys. Rev. Lett., 21, 226, 1968.


"Similarity Between Neutron and Proton Single Particle States At the Same Mass Number," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Lett., 27B, 271, 1968.


"Singlet Deuterons (sd) from (p,sd) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, E. C. May, T. M. O'Keefe, and C. L. Fink, Phys. Rev., 179, 962, 1969.


"Spectroscopic Factor Ratios for States of the Same I and parity from (d,p) Reactions at Different Energies," B. L. Cohen, R. C. Diehl, R. A. Moyer, and L. H. Goldman, Physical Rev., 180, 1210, 1969.


"Anomalous Behavior of orbital angular momentum zero  Transitions in Mo98(d,p) and (d,t) Reactions," R. C. Diehl, B. L. Cohen, and R. A. Moyer, Phys. Lett.,30B, 637, 1969.


"The Nemets Effect in Deuteron Break-up by Heavy Nuclei," C. L. Fink, B. L. Cohen, J. C. Van der Weerd, and R. J. Petty, Phys. Rev., 185, 1568, 1969.


"The Symmetry Energy Term in the Semi-Empirical Mass Formula for Nuclei," B. L. Cohen, Am. Jour. Physics, 38, 766, 1970.


"The Reaction Mechanism in (p,pn) Reactions at 17 MeV," B. L. Cohen, C. L. Fink, J. C. Van der Weerd, and R. J. Petty, Phys. Rev., C 1, 1237, 1970.


"An Effective 6 x p Force in Nuclear Matter," B. L. Cohen, Phys. Lett., 31B, 195, 1970.


"Spectroscopic Studies of Molybdenum Isotopes with (d,p) Reactions," R. C. Diehl, B. L. Cohen, R. A. Moyer, and L. H. Goldman, Phys.Rev., C 1, 2132, 1970.


"Nuclear Structure Studies with (d,t) Reactions on Pd110, Pd108, and Ru104" R. C. Diehl, B. L. Cohen, R. A. Moyer, and L. H. Goldman, Phys. Rev., C 1, 2086, 1970.


"EO Transitions from 0+ --> 0+ States in the Z = 82 Region," L. H. Goldman, B. L. Cohen, R. A. Moyer, and R. C. Diehl, Phys. Rev., C 1, 1781, 1970.


"Separation of Direct Reaction and Compound Nucleus Contributions to (p,p') Reactions in Sn Isotopes," B. L. Cohen, G. R. Rao, C. L. Fink, J. C. Van der Weerd, and J. A. Penkrot, Phys. Rev. Lett., 25, 306, 1970.


Concepts of Nuclear Physics, B. L. Cohen, McGraw-Hill, New York, December, 1970. Translation in Arabic, Republished by Tata-McGraw Hill (India)


"The Excited Levels of Au195," L. H. Goldman, B. L. Cohen, R. A. Moyer, and R. C. Diehl, Phys. Rev., C 2, 561, 1970.


"Angular Distribution and Excitation Function of Singlet Deuteron (sd) in d(p,sd)p 7-17 MeV," J. C. Van der Weerd, T. R. Canada, C. L. Fink and B. L. Cohen, Phys.Rev., C 3, 66, 1971.


"Analysis for Impurities by Nuclear Scattering," B. L. Cohen, and R. A. Moyer, Analytical Chemistry, _43, 123, 1971.


"Excitation of States in Pb 207 by Pb 208(d,t), Pb 206(d,p), and Pb207 (d,d') Reactions," R. A. Moyer, B. L. Cohen and R. C. Diehl, Phs. Rev., C 2, 1898, 1970.


"Non-Destructive Analysis for Trace Amounts of Hydrogen", B.L. Cohen,

C.L. Fink, and J.H. Degnan, Jour. Appl. Phys. 43, 19, 1972.


"Low Energy Neutron Spectra from (p,n) Reactions," B. L. Cohen, J. H. Degnan, C. L. Fink, G. R. Rao, and R. Balasubramanian, Phys. Rev. Lett., 26, 23, 1971.


"Energy Loss Straggling of Protons in Nickel," J. A. Penkrot, B. L. Cohen, G. R. Rao, and R. H. Fulmer, Nucl. Instr. Meth, 96, 505, 1971.


"Compound Nucleus Contributions to (p,p') Reactions," G. R. Rao, R. Balasubramanian, B. L. Cohen, C. L. Fink, and J. H. Degnan, Phys. Rev., C 4, 1855, 1971.


"Gamma Ray Multipicity in Decay of Residual Nuclei from Nuclear Reactions" J.H. Degnan, B.L. Cohen, R.C. Petty, C.L. Fink, G.R. Rao, and R. Balasubramanian, Phys. Rev. C5, 836, 1972


"Estimation of E-L Strength Functions by Direct Reaction Inelastic Scattering," R. Balasubramanian, B. L. Cohen,

G. R. Rao, C. L. Fink and J. H. Degnan, Nucl. Phys., A_18_5, 488, 1972.


"Comparison of Gamma Ray Multiplicity for Compound Nucleus and Direct Reaction Mechanisms," J. H. Degnan, B. L. Cohen, G. R. Rao, and K. C. Chan, Phys. Rev., C 6, 248, 1972.


"Production of Short-Lived Isotopes by Van de Graaff Accelerators," B. L. Cohen, and T. R. Canada, Phys. Med. Biol., 17, 416, 1972.


"Major Element Analysis with Accelerator Beam Induced Gamma Rays," L. Shabason and B. L. Cohen, Analytical Chem., _45, 284, 1973.


"A Study of the (p,2p) Reaction at 17 MeV in the Ni Region," C. L. Fink and B. L. Cohen, Phys.-Rev., C 6, 1673, 1972.


"Reaction Mechanism in (p,p') Reactions Exciting the High Energy Continuum," B. L. Cohen, G. R. Rao, J. H. Degnan, and K. C. Chan, Phys. Rev., C 7, 331, 1973.


"Low Energy Neutron Spectra and the 'Inverse Reaction' Cross Section," G. R. Rao, B. L. Cohen, J. H. Degnan, and K. C. Chan, Phys. Rev., C 7, 733, 1973.


"Inelastic Proton Scattering Angular Distributions," J. H. Degnan, B. L. Cohen, G. R. Rao, K. C. Chan, and L. Shabason, Phys. Rev., C 7, 316, 1973.


"Quantitative Trace Element Analyses in Thick Samples with Heavy Ion Induced X-Ray Fluorescence," L. Shabason, B. L. Cohen, G. H. Wedberg, and K. C. Chan, Jour. Applied Phys., 44, 4749, 1973.


"High Resolution Comparison of (p,p') and (d,d') Reactions," B. L. Cohen, J. E. Holden, G. R. Rao, K. C. Chan, J. H. Degnan, and J. Alzona, Phys. Rev., C 9, 1025, 1974.


"Gamma Ray Multiplicity Measurements for (a,p), (a,a'), (d,a), (p,a), (d,p), and (p,p') Reactions," J. H. Degnan, B. L. Cohen, G. R. Rao, K. C. Chan, and L. Shabason, Phys. Rev., C 8, 2255, 1973.


"Compound Nucleus Contribution for (p,a) Reactions from Sn and Cd Isotopes," K. C. Chan, G. R. Rao, B. L. Cohen, J. H. Degnan, and L. Shabason, Phys. Rev., C 8, 1363, 1973.


Nuclear Science and Society, Doubleday - Anchor Books, 1974. (Also translation in Spanish)


"Danger: Radiation--Play it Cool," B. L. Cohen, Public Utilities Fortnightly, _93, 9, 55, 1974. Reprinted in District Heating 60, 2, 34, 1974. Reprinted in The Calendar, 7, 2, 6, 1975.


"An X-Ray Fluorescence Study of Atmospheric Particulate in

 Pittsburgh," G. H. Wedberg, K. C. Chan, B. L. Cohen, and J. 0. Frohlinger, Env. Sci.-and Tech., 8, 1090, 1974.


"Perspectives on the Nuclear Debate," B. L. Cohen, Bull. Atom. Sci., 30, 8, 35, 1974. Reprinted in "L'Homme et Les Techniques Nouvelles," 79, 29, 1975.


"Nuclear Structure Studies with (d,t) Reactions on 110Cd," K. C. Chan, B. L. Cohen, and L. Shabason, Phys. Rev.C 11, 1065, 1975.


"Compound Nucleus Contribution to (a,a') Reactions in Ni, Zn, and Sn," J. E. Alzona, K. C. Chan, L. Shabason, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., C 11, 1669, 1975.


"Learning to Live with Radiation," B. L. Cohen, Science Digest, April, 1975, p. 61.


"Pittsburgh Rainwater Analysis by PIXE," K. C. Chan, B. L. Cohen, J. 0. Frohliger, and L. Shabason, Tellus, _28, 1, 24, 1976.


"Analysis of Compound Nucleus Contributions from (a,p) Reactions in Ni and Sn Regions," K. C. Chan, L. Shabason, J. E. Alzona, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., C _13, 1112, 1976.


"(d,p) Reactions Exciting the Continuum," K. C. Chan, L. Shabason, J. E. Alzona, and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev., C _12, 1844, 1975.


Impacts of the Nuclear Energy Industry on Human Health and Safety,

   The American Scientist, Sept.-Oct. 1976, p. 550.


Conclusions of the BEIR and UNSCEAR Reports on Radiation Effects per    Man-rem, Health Physics 30, 351 (1976).


The Potentialities of Terrorism,Bul.Atomic Scient.June 1976,p.34.


Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power due to Radon Emissions,

, Bulletin of. Atomic Scientists, Feb. 1976, p. 61.


Some Issues in the Nuclear Power Controversy, Public Utilities

   Fortnightly 98(4), 31 (1976).


Storing Radioactive Waste Need not be a Problem, Nuclear Engineering

        International, Sept. 1976.


Plutonium Toxicity, Nuclear Engineering.Int. Nov. 1976, p. 35.


Health Risks from Nuclear Waste AFL-CIO Viewpoint,3rd Quart.1976,p10


Search for the Double-Direct (p, 2p) Reaction at 17 MeV, L.Shabason,    B. L. Cohen and T. Congedo, Phys. Rev. C15, 260 (1977).

Compound Nuclear (alpha, p) and p,p') Reactions on Odd-A Nuclei in the Ni Region, K. C. Chan, L. Shabason, B. L. Cohen, J. Alzona and T. Congedo, Phys. Rev. C15, 1698 (1977).

High Level Waste from Light Water Reactors, Reviews of Modern Physics        49,1(1977).


Hazards from Plutonium Toxicity, Health Physics 32, 359 (1977).


Body Weight as an Application of Energy Conservation, American

   Journal of Physics 45, 867 (1977).


The Terrorist Threat, Nuclear Engineering International, Feb. 1977


Are Nuclear Side Effects Hazardous to your Health, Family        Health,,Jan.1977, p. 52.


The Case for the Breeder Reactor, National Review, Sept. 16, 1977,      p.1044.


Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Reactors,      

        Scientific American, June 1977, p. 21.


Methods for Calculating Population Dose from Atmospheric             

        Dispersion of Radioactivity, B. L. Cohen, H. N. Jow, and I. S.

        Lee, Health Physics 34, 569 (1978).


Profiling Hydrogen in Materials Using Ion Beams,J.F.Ziegler + 19     

        authors including B.L.Cohen; Nucl.Instr.& Meth.149,19(1978).


A Generic Hazard Evaluation of Low Level Waste Burial Grounds,

        B.L.Cohen and H. N. Jow, Nuclear Technology, 41, 381 (1978).


The Relative Risks of Saccharin and Calorie Ingestion, Science 199,

   983 (1978); Nature 271, 492 (1978).


Cross Sections, in “Handbook of Radiation Measurement and            

        Protection,” A. Brodsky (Ed.), Chem. Rubber Co. (1978).


Health Risks of Nuclear Power,The Physics Teacher,Nov.1978,p.526.


Laws of Statistics Ignored by Statisticians, Health Physics          



A Tale of Two Wastes, Commentary, Nov., 1978, p. 63.


Weighing the Risks of Life Today, Los Angeles Times Syndicate,       

        June, 1978.


A Catalog of Risks, B. L. Cohen and I. S. Lee, Health Physics 36,707    (1979).


Indoor-Outdoor Relationship for Air Particulate of Outdoor Origin, J.      Alzona, B. L. Cohen, H. Rudolph, H. N. Jow, and J.O.Frohliger,

   Atmospheric Envir4onment, 13, 1, 55 (1979).


Cancer and Low Level Radiation, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

        Feb.1979, p. 53;   follow-up letter December, 1979, p. 56.


Understanding a Trillion Dollar Question (with R. Brookhiser),       

        National Review, Feb., 1979, p. 142.


Living Can Be Hazardous to Your Health, Catholic Digest, March       

        1979, p. 110.


The Situation at West Valley, Public Utilities Fortnightly, Sept.27,    1979, p. 26.


The BEIR Report Relative Risk and Absolute Risk Models for           

        Estimating Effects of Low Level Radiation, Health Physics 37,

        509 (1979).


Radon:  Characteristics, Natural Occurrence, Technological           

        Enhancement, and Health Effects, Progress in Nuclear Energy 4,

        1 (1979).


Methods for Predicting the Effectiveness of Uranium Mill Tailings

   Covers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 164, 595 (1979)


Tests of the Linearity Assumption in the Dose-Effect Relationship

   for Radiation-Induced Cancer, A. F. Cohen and B. L. Cohen,        

        Health Physics 38, 53 (1980).


Protection from Being Indoors Against Inhalation of Suspended              Particulate of Outdoor Origin, Atmospheric Environment 14,183



The Low Level Radiation Link to Cancer of the Pancreas, Health       

        Physics 38, 712 (1980).


Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Waste, Nucl. Technol. 47,163 (1980).


Society's Valuation of Life Saving in Radiation Protection and       

        other Contexts, Health Physics 38, 33 (1980).


Occupational Risks of Radiation Workers, Health Physics (L), 39, 121    (1980).


Final State Interaction in (3He, 2He) Reactions, T.V. Congedo, I.S.   

        Lee-Fan and B. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. C22, 985 (1980).


Compound Nucleus Contribution and Even-Odd Effect for (3He, p)        

        Reactions in the Nickel Region, I. S. Lee, B. L. Cohen, and T.

   Congedo, Nuclear Physics A344, 409 (1980).


Analysis, Critique, and Re-evaluation of High Level Waste Water      

        Intrusion Scenario Studies, Nuclear Technology 48, 63 (1980).


The Cancer Risk from Low Level Radiation, Health Physics 39, 659     



Health Effects of Radon from Insulation of Buildings, Health         

        Physics 39, 937 (1980).


Far Greater Dangers than Nuclear, Jour. Am. Scient. Affil., June,

   1980, p. 89.


Radiation Fantasies, Reason, March 1980, p. 24.


The Role of Radon in Comparison of Environmental Effects of Nuclear

   Energy, Coal  Burning, and Phosphate Mining, Health Physics  

        40,19 (1981).


Plutonium Containment, Health Physics 40, 76 (1981).


King Coal and the Meltdown Myth, National Review 33, 667 (June       



Long Term Consequences of the Linear-No Threshold Dose-Response      

        Relationship for Chemical Carcinogens, Risk Analysis 1,267     



How Much are We Willing to Spend to Save a Life, Public Utilities

   Fortnightly, Nov., 1981, p. 22.


The Storage of Radioactive Waste, The Military Engineer, March,      

        1981, p. 96.

Proposals on use of the BEIR-III Report in Environmental             

        Assessments, Health Physics 41, 760 (1981).


Perspective on Occupational Mortality Risks, Health Physics 40,703   



Q and A on Waste, Nuclear Industry 28, p. 28 (1981).


How Dangerous is Radiation?, Ascent, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1981).


Limitations and Problems in Deriving Risk Estimates for Low-level

   Radiation Exposure, Yale Jour. Biol & Med. 54, 329 (1981).


High Level Radioactive Waste, Natural Resources Jour.,Oct.1981,p.    



The Risks You Run, Consumers Research, May 1981, p. 16.


High Level Radioactive Waste from Light Water Reactors, in           

        “Environmental Radiation”, A. W. Klement (Ed.), CRC Press, p.

        269 (1982).


Health Effects of Radon from Coal Burning, Health Physics 42, 725    (1982).


Failures and Critique of the BEIR-III Lung Cancer Risk Estimates,

   Health Physics 42, 267 (1982).


Physics of the Nuclear Reactor Meltdown Accident, Nuclear Science and      Engineering 80, 47 (1982).


Health Effects of Radon Emissions from Uranium Mill Tailings,        

        Health Physics 42, 695 (1982).


Radon Daughter Exposure to Uranium Miners, Health Physics 42, 449    (1982).


Health Effects of Radiation, in M. Kaku and J. Trainer (Ed.),        

        Nuclear Power-Both Sides, W. W. Norton (New York) 1982.


Effects of ICRP-30 and BEIR-III on Hazard Estimates for High Level

   Radioactive Waste, Health Physics 42, 133 (1982).


Radiation Pollution and Cancer, Cato Journal 2, 255 (1982).


Applications of ICRP-30, ICRP-23, and Radioactive Waste Risk         

        Assessment Techniques to Chemical Carcinogens, Health Phys. 42,    753 (1982).


Foreword in book - H. Inhaber,”Energy Risk Assessment”, Gordon and

   Breach (New York) 1982.


Is Nuclear Power Too Risky?  The American Legion Magazine, Jan.      

        1982, p. 16.



Genetic Effects of Radiation, Ascent, Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 8 (1982).


Breeder Reactors - A Renewable Energy Source,



The Wrong Answers to the Right Questions, Electric Perspectives, Jan.      1983, p. 23.


Health Risks from Electricity Generation, Comments on Molec.Cellular    Biophys. 2,1 (1983).


Impacts of the Nuclear Energy Industry on Public Health and Safety,  

        in   L. C. Ruedisili and M. W. Firebaugh (Ed.),Perspectives on  

        Energy    (1982).


Nuclear Power, OUI Magazine, Sept. 1983, p. 52.


Before It's Too Late (book), Plenum Press (1983).Also, translation in      Turkish


Nuclear Journalism, Policy Review, Sept. 1983, p. 70.


Effects of Recent Neptunium Studies on High Level Waste Hazard       

        Assessments, Health Physics 44, 567 (1983).


The Case for the Clinch River Breeder, Philadelphia Inquirer         

        (Op-Ed), Aug. 22, 1983.


Theory and Practice of Radon Monitoring by Adsorption in Charcoal,

   B.L.Cohen and E.S.Cohen, Health Physics 45, 501 (1983).


Large Scintillation Cells for High Sensitivity Radon Monitoring, B.L.      Cohen, M. El Ganayni, and E. S. Cohen, Nuclear Instruments and    

        Methods 212, 403 (1983).


Most Scientists Don't Join in Radiation Phobia, The Wall Street      

        Journal, Nov. 30, 1983.


Radiation Exposure: Risks Put in Perspective, New York Times, Oct.18,      1983 (letter)


Risk and Risk Aversion in Our Society, Bulletin of Am. Ceramic       

        Society 62, 1285 (1983).


Discounting in Assessment of Future Radiation Effects, Health   

        Physics 45, 687 (1983).


Long Term Waste Problems from Electricity Production, Nuclear and

        Chemical Waste Management 4, 219 (1984).


Perspective on Genetic Effects of Radiation, Health Phys. 46,1113    (1984).


A Generic Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Low Level Waste Burial

   Grounds, Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management 5, 39 (1984).

Misunderstandings about Nuclear Power, in H. Kahn and J. L. Simon

        (Ed.), The Resourceful Earth, Basil Blackwell Publ. Ltd.     

        (Oxford), 1984.


Radon Concentrations Inside Public and Commercial Buildings in the

        Pittsburgh (PA) Area, Health Phys. 47, 399 (1984).


Nuclear Power:  Economics and Prospects, in “Free Market Energy,” S.   Fred Singer (Ed.), Universe Press (1984).


It's Safe,It Works,It's our Only Choice, USA Today, Jan.24, 1984.


Probability for Human Intake of an Atom Randomly Released into       

        Ground, Rivers, Oceans, and Air, Health Physics 47, 281 (1984).


Nuclear Alternatives are Killing People, Philadelphia Inquirer       

        (Op-Ed.), Jan. 14, 1984.    


Anomalous Behavior of Tellurium Abundances, Geochim. et     

        Cosmochim, Acta 48, 203      (1984).


The Cost per Million BTU of Solar Heat, Insulation, and              

        Conventional Fuels, Am. Jour. Phys. 52, 614 (1984).


Bioaccumulation Factors in Marine Organisms, Health Physics

         49,1290 (1985).  


Transport of Elements from Soil to Human Diet:  An Alternative       

        Approach to Pathway Analysis, Health Phys. 49, 239 (1985).


Do We Really Have a Radioactive Waste Problem, American Legion       

        Mag.119, 1, p. 24, July 1985.


Criteria for Technology Acceptability, Risk Analysis 5, 1 (1985).


Radon in Homes, Currents 3, 4, p. 5 (1985).


Survey of One Year Average Radon levels in Pittsburgh (PA) Area      

        Homes, Health Phys. 49, 1053 (1985).


Articles in “Nuclear Energy-A Sensible Alternative”, K. O. Ott and

   B.J.Spinrad (Ed.), Plenum Press(New York), 1985.    

   - Chap. 16 - The Waste Disposal Risk 

   - Chap. 17 - Radon Problems

   - Chap. 18 - Risks in our Society

-       Chap. 19 - Health Effects of Low Level Radiation

-       Chap. 20 - Routine Releases of Radioactivity from the Nuclear

-                           Industry

   - Chap. 22 - The Myth about Plutonium Toxicity

   - Chap. 23 - Myths about High Level Radioactive Waste


Putting Risk in Perspective, Fusion, March, 1985, p. 37.


Comments on ABC-TV Program ``The Fire Unleashed'', Accuracy in       

        Media Bulletin, July 1985.


The Origin of Iodine in Soil and the I-129 Problem, Health   Physics

   49, 279 (1985).


Comparison of Radiation Health Impacts from Nuclear Power and Coal

   Burning, Health Physics 48, 342 (1985).


A Simple Probabilistic Risk Analysis for High Level Waste            

        Repositories, Nuclear Technology 69, 1, 73 (1985).


Risk and Risk Aversion in Our Society, Radiation Australia 3,      3 (1985).


Radon and Lung Cancer in Swedish Miners, New Eng. Jour. Med. 313,

   1158      (1985).


Hazards from Sinking of Ships with Uranium Cargo, Health Phys. 49,

        318 (1985).


Critique of the National Academy of Sciences Study of the Isolation

        System for Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Nuclear

   Technology 20, 433 (1985).


Long Term Waste Problems from Electricity Production, Radiation      

        Protection in Australia 3, 95 (1985).


A National Survey of Radon in Homes and Correlating Factors,         

        Health Physics 51, 175 (1986).


Risk Analysis of Buried Waste from Electricity Generation, Am.       

        Jour. of Phys. 54, 38 (1986).


Radon:  Our Worst Radiation Hazard, Consumers Research, Apr.1986.    



 A Poll of Radiation Health Scientists, Health Phys. 50, 639 (1986)


A Simple Compact Apparatus for Measuring Diffusion Properties of     

        Radon through Soils (with J. Rakowski and R. Nason), Health  

        Physics 50, 133 (1986).


A Diffusion Barrier Charcoal Adsorption Detector for Measuring       

        Radon concentrations in Indoor Air, Health Phys. 50, 457     



A Generic Probabilistic Risk Analysis for a High Level Waste         

        Repository, Health Phys. 51, 519 (1986).


Comparison of Track-Etch and DBCA Methods for Measurement of         

        Radon Levels in Indoor Air, Health Phys. 50, 828 (1986). 


Radon Chamber for Calibration of Charcoal Detectors (with R.         

        Nason),   Health Physics 51, 135 (1986).

Correlation Between Radium in Soil, Radon in Soil Gas, and Radon     

        Inside Adjacent Houses(with R.Nason),Health Physics 52,73      



Alternatives to the BEIR Relative Risk Model for Explaining A-bomb

   Survivor Cancer Mortality, Health Phys. 52, 55 (1987).


Indoor Radon Levels in Cumberland County, PA, Environment            

        International 13, 293 (1987).


Nuclear Energy-Hazards of Nuclear Power, Encyclopedia Americana,

   p.511U (1987).


Reducing the Hazards of Nuclear Power:  Insanity in Action, Physics

   and Society 16, 3, 2 (1987). Reprinted in Collage, Summer         

        issue,p. 6,7,12.13 (1988)


Radon (book), Consumer Reports Books (1987); Avon Books (1989).


Radon in U.S. Homes, Int. Rad. Phys. Soc. Newsletter, Vol. 1, No

. 4 (1987).


Tests of the Linear-No Threshold Dose-Response Relationship for      

        High-LET Radiation, Health Phys. 52, 629 (1987).


Radon:  How Great a Hazard, Natl. Counc. for Environ. Balance        

        Pamphlet (1987).


Is Reducing the Hazards of Nuclear Power Cost Effective, Health      

        Physics Newsletter, November 1987, p.8


Survey of Radon Levels in U.S. Homes as a Test of the Linear-No      

        Threshold Dose-Response Relationship for Radiation           

        Carcinogenesis, Am. Chemical Soc. Symposium Series No. 331,

         p. 462 (1987).


Comparison of Purchased Measurements with Measurements in Randomly

   Selected Houses as a Source of Information on Mean Radon Levels      in Houses (with P. Pondy), Health Physics 53, 409 (1987).


Univ. of Pittsburgh Radon Measurements in New Jersey and Eastern     

        Pennsylvania, (with N. Gromicko), Proc. of Ramapo College Symp.    on Radon and the Environment (1987).


The Nuclear Reactor Accident at Chernobyl, USSR, Am.Jour.Physics 55,    1076 (1987).


Risk Analyses of Buried Wastes from Electricity Generation, Chapter  

        15 in “Environmental Risk Assessment:  A Textbook of Case      

        Studies”, D. J. Paustenbach (Ed.), John Wiley and Sons (1988).


Let Nuclear be our Cooling Power, USA Today, Aug. 23, 1988 (invited  



Adequacy of Time Averaging with Diffusion Barrier Charcoal           

        Adsorption Collectors for Radon Measurements in Homes (with N.

   Gromicko), Health Phys. 54, 195 (1988)..


Dissociation between Lung cancer and a Geological Outcrop, Health

   Phys. 54, 224 (1988). (Letter)


Disassociation between Lung Cancer and Precambrian Granite, Archives    of    Environmental Health 43, 313-314; 1988 (Letter)


Foreword in book - M. A. Robinson, “100 Grams of Uranium Equals 290

   Tons of Coal”, RID Eng. (1988).


Cost Effectiveness of Reducing Radon in Homes, Jour.Nucl.Medicine

        29, 268 (1988).


A Survey of Radon Levels in U.S. Homes:  Results and Correlating     

        Factors, Jour. Air Pollution Control Assn. 38, 129 (1988).


Journalism's Failure on Nuclear Power Information, Journal of        

        Hazardous Materials, 21, 255 (1989).


Expected Indoor Radon Levels in Counties with Very High and Very Low    Lung Cancer Rates, Health Phys., 57, 897 (1989).  


Radon Levels in Low Income Households (with N. Gromicko), Health     

        Phys. 56, 349 (1989)


Expected Radon Levels in Counties with Very High and Very Low Lung

   Cancer Rates, Health Phys. 57, 897 (1989).


Measured Radon Levels in U.S. Homes, in ``Radon'', NCRP              

        Proceedings   No. 10 (1989).


Error Prevention at a Radon Measurement Service Lab (with F.         

        Cohen),   Rad.Protection Management 6, 43 (1989).


Performance Characteristics of DBCA Radon Detectors, Rad. Protection    Management 5, 47 (1989).


Radon Levels by Zip Code, Am.Jour.of Radon, February, 1989, p.7.


An Experimental Test of the Linear-No Threshold Theory of Radiation

   Carcinogenesis, Environmental Research 53, 193 (1990).


Radiation and our Society, Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No.765,



Seasonal Variations of Radon Levels in Homes, Rad. Protection        

        Management 7, 62 (1990).


Ecological vs. Case-Control Studies for Testing a Linear-No Threshold      Dose-Response Relationship, Int.Jour.of Epidemiology.19, 680



Inconsistencies in Recent BEIR Reports, Health Phys.52,233 (1990).


The Role of Darwinism in Environmental Decision Making, Bul.of       

        Science, Technology and Society 10,270(1990).


The Nuclear Energy Option:  Alternative for the 90's, (book.)   

        Plenum Publishing Co.(1990). Translations in Spanish and     



Experimental Tests of the Linear-No Threshold Theory of Radiation

        Carcinogenesis, Chap. 24 in S. K. Majumdar, R. F. Schmalz, and

        E.W. Miller (Editors), “Environmental Radon: Occurrence,     

        Control, Health Hazards.” Pennsylvania Academy of Science,1990


An Experimental Test of the Linear-No Threshold Theory of Radiation

   Carcinogenesis. In E. Cothern and P. Rebers, (Editors),      

        “Radon in Drinking Water”, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI (1990)


Risk as a Framework for Standard Setting, Proc. Of Int. Cong. On     

        .Mine Safety, Perth, Australia (1990)


Radon levels in United States Homes by States and Counties, Health

   Phys. 60, 243 (1991).


Variations of Radon Levels in U.S. Homes Correlated with House       

        Characteristics, Location, and Socioeconomic Factors, Health

   Phys. 60, 631 (1991).


Radiation Standards and Hazards, IEEE Trans. on Education 34, 260    (1991).


Catalog of Risks Extended and Updated, Health Phys. 61, 317- 335     



Liquid Scintillation vs Gamma Ray Counting in Radon Measurements with      Charcoal, Am. Jour. Public Health 81, 1676-77 (1991).


Radon in Buildings, Handbook of Hazardous Materials, Academic Press


 Should We Worry About Radon in our Homes?, Consumers Research,      

        April 1991, p.10ff


Search for Correlations between Radon in Homes and Various Types of

   Cancer, The Lancet 337, 790 (1991).


Indoor Radon Levels in New York State, North and South Carolina,S.I.    Rahlenbaeck, J. A. J. Stolwijk, and B. L. Cohen, Health      

        Phys. 61, 879-884 (1991).


Radon Risk, Science 251, 726 (1991) (letter)


Articles in J.H. Lehr (Ed), Rational Readings on Environmental       

        Concerns, Van Nostrand and Reinhold; 1992

        --Perspectives on the Cost Effectiveness of Life Saving, p

.            461-473

        --The Radioactive Waste Disposal Problem. p. 606-609

        --The Truth about Three Mile Island, p. 610-616


How to Assess the Risks You Face, Consumers Research, June 1992,     

        p.11-16 (Cover Story)


2042 Here We Come: The Next 50 Years, Nuclear Industry, Oct. 1992     p.37


Multi-stratified Multiple Regression Tests of the Linear     No-      

        Threshold Theory of Radon-Induced Lung Cancer, in F. T. Cross

   (Ed), “Indoor Radon and Lung Cancer: Reality or Myth.”,

   Battelle Press, 1992, p.959-975.


Problems in Ecological Studies (letter), Internat. J. Epidemiol.21,

   422-424 (1992).


Percentage of Lifetimes Spent in Area of Residence at Time of        

        Death, Environ. Res. 57, 208-211 (1992).


Relationship between Exposure to Radon and Various Types of Cancer,

   Health Phys. 65, 529-531 (1993).


Irradiated Food:  Is There a Need?, Nuclear News (Am. Nuclear        

        Soc.), June 1992, p. 60-68, Reprinted in NRRPT News (National

   Registry of Radiation Technologists, Jan. 1993), p. 6-11.


Compilaiton and Integration of Studies of Radon levels in U.S.       

        Homes by States and Counties, Critical Reviews in Environmental    Control 22, 243-364 (1992).


Introduction to Nuclear Technology, Proceedings of Symposium on “50    Years from the Fermi Pile”, Pisa, Italy (1992)


Test of the Linear- No Threshold Theory of Radiation                 

        Carcinogenesis, in T. Sugahara, L. A. Sagan, and T. Aoyama     

        (Ed), “Low Dose Irradiation and Biological Defense           

        Mechanisms”, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (1992)


Work, Traffic, or Liesure Time -- Which Is More Dangerous?, Proc.of

   International Congress on Safety Together, Vienna (1993)


The Saga of Fernald, Chap. 14 in P. Huber and K. R. Foster, Ed.,     

        Fantom Risk, MIT Press 1993.


Benefits to a Life Insurance Company from Providing Radon Tests for

   Clients, Health Phys. 65, 295-297 (1993). 


Test of the Linear - No Threshold Theory of Radiation                

        Carcinogenesis, in C. Zuur (Ed),Epidemiologie en               

        Radiobiologische Effecten, NVS Publikatie No. 23 (1993)  


A Laboratory Experiment on Measuring the Calorie Content of Food by

   Calorimetry (with C. Schilken), Jour.Chem.Education 71,342-       


In Defense of Ecologic Studies for Testing a Linear- No Threshold

   Theory, Am. Jour. Epidemiol. 139, 765-768 (1994)


Lung Cancer Mortality and Radon Exposure: A Test of the Linear-No

   Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis, in J. P. Young,

        Ed. Radiation and Society”, Am. Chem. Soc. Books (1994).


Test of the Linear - No Threshold Theory of Radiation                

        Carcinogenesis, in E.J. Calabrese (Ed),Biological Effects of

        Low Level Exposures, Lewis Publishers (1994)


Radon Maps of the United States (with C. A. Stone), Health Physics   

        66, 201-205 (1994).


Radiation: The Risks and the Benefits, Health Matters, March 1994


Test of the Linear- No Threshold Theory of Radiation                 

        Carcinogenesis, Strahlenschutz 2, 3-9 (1994)


Human Radiation Experiments: Looking Beyond the Headlines,Nuclear

        News, March 1994, p. 72-75.


Human Radiation Experiments, Health Physics Society Newsletter 12,3,    12-13 (1994).


Dose-Response Relationship for Radiation Carcinogenesis in the Low

        Dose Region, Int.Arch.Occup.Environ.Hlth. 66, 71-75 (1994)


Test of the Linear -No Threshold Theory for Lung Cancer Induced by

   Exposure to Radon (with G.A. Colditz), Environ. Res.64, 65-89



Nuclear Power, in Encyclopedia of the Future, Macmillan Publ.    Co.(in press)


Test of the Linear - No Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis    for Inhaled Radon Decay Products, Health Phys.68,157-174 (1995)


How Dangerous Is Low Level Radiation, Risk Analysis 15, 645-653      



Can an Ecological Study Give Useful Information on the Smoking-Lung

   Cancer Relationship, Statistics in Medicine 14, 327-328      



The Costs of Nuclear Power, Chap.29 in J.L. Simon (Ed), The State

   of   Humanity, Blackwell Publishers, 1995; p.292-300


The Hazards of Nuclear Power, Chap. 51 in J.L. Simon (Ed), The       

        State of Humanity, Blackwell Publishers, 1995; p. 572-583


Before It’s Too Late, in G. Marx (Ed), Atoms in our Hands, Int.      

        Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 1995; p.72-79


Cancer Risks of Radon -- A USA Study, in G. Marx (Ed),Int.Un.Of Pure    & Applied Phys.,1995; p. 148-154


The Linear - No Threshold Theory Fails Badly in the Low Dose         

        Region,   Health Phys. Soc. Newsletter 23(6), 6-7 (1995)


The Breeder Reactor -- Affordable Energy Forever, Twenty First       

        Century, Spring 1995, p.46-51


Burying False Assumptions About Radiation Risk, Citizen Outlook      

        10(2),2 (1995)


Problems in Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power in U.S., Nuclear      

        Science and Technology (Japan) 33, 1-6 (1996)


Nuclear Energy, Mass Defect, Articles in Macmillan Encyclopedia of

   Physics (1996)


Turning the Tide of Public Opinion on Nuclear Power, Nuclear News

   April 1997, p. 26-30 (Cover story)


Lung Cancer Rates vs. Mean Radon Level in U.S.Counties of Various

   Characteristics, Health Phys.72: 114-119 (1997)



Problems in the Radon vs Lung Cancer Test of the Linear - No         

        Threshold Theory and a Procedure for Resolving Them, Health  

        Phys.72: 622-627 (1997)


Response to D. J. Strom. Health Phys 72:489-490;1997


Responses to Lung Cancer Risk from Residential Radon: Meta-analysis  

        of Eight Epidemiologic Studies; and Indoor Radon Exposure and

        Lung Cancer: Risky or Not?, Jour. Nat. Cancer Inst.89:664-     



Questionnaire Study of the Lung Cancer Risk from Exposure to         

        Radon in Homes, Health Phys.72: 614-621 (1997)


Updates and Responses to Test of the Linear-No Threshold Theory of

        Radiation Carcinogenesis, Indian Jour of Human Genetics

        (invited and submitted)


Perspectives on the High Level Waste Disposal Problem,               

        Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 23:193-203;1998


Response to Lubin’s Proposed Explanation of Our Discrepancy,

        Health Physics 75:18-22; 1998


Response to Criticisms of Smith, et al.Health Physics 75:23-28;1998    


Public Perception vs Results of Scientific Risk Analysis. Reliability      Engineering and System Safety 59:101-105;1998


The Cancer Risk from Low Level Radiation, Radiation Research 149:525-    526;1998


Response to Archer: Cohen’s home radon-lung cancer data suggests

        positive association. Health Phys. Newsletter June 1998,      p.6-7


Argument against the notion that low levels of radon in homes should    be considered harmful. Med Phys 25:277-278;1998


Response to Archer. Health Phys.75:653-654;1998


Validity of the linear-no threshold theory of radiation              

        carcinogenesis in the low dose region. Technology 6:43-61;1999


Response to Lubin Rejoinder. Health Phys.76:437-439;1999


Response to Rejoinder by Field et al. Health Phys.76:439-440;1999


Radon exposure and the risk of lung cancer. J.Radiol.Prot.19:1-3;1999


Response to the Goldsmith Commentary. Health Phys.76:568-569;1999


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