Newsletter of EFN
Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy

July 24th, 2008

EFN on the BBC live tonight - call the radio to participate and support nuclear power !

 This newsletter is archived and made available to the public on the website of EFN:

Dear friends of clean nuclear energy,

EFN will be making the case for nuclear power tonight on the BBC in the famous radio debate broadcasted worldwide WORLD HAVE YOUR SAY from 6 to 7 PM (British time) today thursday 24th July 2008.

We will be discussing the benefits of nuclear power during a full hour discussion (with just a few short interruptions for the BBC news) with :

- Chloe TILLEY (BBC presenter)
- Mike KANTEY : chair of CANE (Coalition Against Nuclear Energy in South Africa)
- Bruno Chareyron : CRII-RAD in France (a group which pretends to be independent but is strongly antinuclear)
- Gia Milanovich (US citizen looking at things from a layman's point of view).

The theme of the discussion is : Do you trust nuclear power ?
(about the minor leaks at several locations in France, the environmental benefits of nuclear power, renaissance of nuclear energy around the world...)

Listen to the show live at http://www.bbcworldservice.com

The show will be archived during 7 days and can be downloaded in podcast as an MP3 file on : http://www.worldhaveyoursay.com (online later today from 9 PM onwards, for a week)

Citizens from around the world are invited to call in and ask questions.

Call in from anywhere around the world to participate, make your comments or ask your questions.

Please inform your friends rapidly RIGHT NOW so they can also call the show tonight and make their comments!

To contact WORLD HAVE YOUR SAY during the show :

Call when the show is on air: +44 20 70 83 72 72
Call the office: +44 20 7557 0635
Text messages (SMS) to: +44 77 86 20 60 80
E-mail: [email protected]

This will be EFN's 16th participation in a BBC program and EFN's second participation in the program WORLD HAVE YOUR SAY.

See some of our media references and videos.

Yours sincerely, with kindest regards.

Bruno Comby
President of EFN

Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy

55 rue Victor Hugo, 78800 Houilles, France
Phone: + 33 1 30 86 00 33 - Fax: +33 9 55 29 00 22

E-mail: efn[at]ecolo.org
Web site: http://www.ecolo.org (click on a flag)


EFN is a not-for-profit international organization gathering 9,000 members and supporters, and a network of similar organizations and of local correspondents in more than 60 countries, to inform the public on energy and the environment.

EFN-USA is the American branch of EFN, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of Delaware
E-mail : nuc-usa[at]ecolo.org
Web : http://www.ecolo.org (click on the stars and stripes)
President : Berol Robinson berol[at]ecolo.org

EFN-CANADA is the Canadian federally incorporated branch of EFN
E-mail : nuc-ca[at]ecolo.org
Web : http://www.ecolo.org (click on the maple leaf)
President : Rod Anderson rod[at]ecolo.org

EFN-UK is the branch of EFN in the United Kingdom with headquarters in Cambridge
E-mail : nuc-uk[at]ecolo.org
Web : http://www.ecolo.org (click on the Union Jack)
Organizer : Stephen Stretton steve[at]ecolo.org

EFN-FRANCE is the French branch of EFN incorporated in the Paris area
E-mail : [email protected]
Web : http://www.ecolo.org (click on the French flag)
President : Bruno Comby bruno[at]ecolo.org

EFN-POLAND is the Polish branch of EFN incorporated in Warsaw
E-mail : [email protected]
Web : http://www.ecolo.org (click on the Polish flag)
President : Zbigniew Jaworowsky (former UNSCEAR President)

EFN-JAPAN is the Japanese branch of EFN
E-mail : [email protected]
Web : http://www.ecolo.org (click on the Japanese flag)

Thank you for supporting clean nuclear energy !




For better information on clean nuclear energy and the environment !


Do not hesitate to become a local correspondent of EFN in your country or area and to help us develop EFN in your country or local area, by organizing a presentation, a press conference, a lecture tour, site visits, or by helping us translate the web site or the book Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (the book is presented on line).

EFN now gathers over 9000 members and supporters in more than 60 countries.

See EFN's complete history year by year since it was created over 10 years ago

Don't forget to subscribe or renew your membership to EFN or EFN-USA or EFN-CANADA (you can also subscribe to any of the three or all three to support our activities in these areas).

We look forward to developing other national branches of EFN in other regions of the world. To help us in this regard, your support (as a local correspondent or through donations) will be most welcome, thank you in advance !




EFN - For complete and straightforward information on energy and the environment

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You may, with their approval, freely subscribe to the mailing list all those among your friends who would like to be informed about energy, the environment, and EFN's activities. To do this, just type their e-mail address above, and click the "Subscribe" button (with their approval).

To subscribe to our mailing list, the only condition is to share our point of view and to type in your e-mail in the box above. You will then be informed automatically of EFN's activities. This subscription is entirely GRATIS. EFN is a not-for-profit organization. It does not place any commercial advertisements on it's web site, and does not sell it's mailing lists to anybody. To help EFN continue its activities, inform the public, and maintain this FREE service, you can subscribe or make a donation to EFN-International. Your donations to EFN give right to a tax-credit in France (donation to not-for-profit organizations, the State refunds 2/3 of your donation as a tax credit). For subscriptions and donations intended for EFN-USA, click here (EFN-USA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit corporation in the USA). For subscriptions and donations intended for EFN-CANADA, click here (EFN-CANADA is a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization).