Introductory speech

of the President of EFN

at the memorial lecture Hall

in Hiroshima, Japan

on October 28th, 2004


First of all, I would like to underline that I am very honored and extremely impressed to be here in today in Hiroshima where such a dramatic event has occured on August 6th, 1945.

I address my most heartfelt emotions to the survivors and the members of the families of the victims of this horrible event (several of which were assisting to the lecture). I am deeply moved to be in this city which is such an important symbol. This visit is also very important for me to better understand the terrible and devastating effects of atomic bombs.

I would particularly like to thank for inviting me to Hiroshima and making tonight's presentation possible :

- Dr Akimoto, survivor of the Hiroshima A-bomb, for making this meeting possible.

- Dr GOTOU, of the CEF in Hiroshima, for his organization.

Before starting my presentation about the civilian applications of nuclear energy, I insist that we must put all our efforts to act for a better and peaceful world in the future, and that such a dramatic event as the Hiroshima A-Bomb on August 6th, 1945, never happens again. Our association (EFN) is dedicated to prevent such events and to contribute to better information of the public on matters regarding energy, health, and the environment, and we are also, of course, totally opposed to any military applications of nuclear energy (nuclear war).

I was very impressed by today 's visit of the Museum and Hospital of Hiroshima.

Nuclear science should be applied only and strictly for peaceful applications, at the service of humankind, not for mass destruction.

Bruno Comby
President of EFN