EFN - NEWS Newsletter of EFN -
The association of November 24th, 2006 |
10th anniversary, and invitation to the next Annual Meeting of EFN and EFN-USA, on Saturday 9th December 2006 at 5:00 PM
This newsletter is archived
and made available to the public on the website of EFN:
You can click on the photos below to enlarge them
Dear friends of clean nuclear energy,
EFN is 10 years old ! Already 10 years of successful history, informing the public around the world about the benefits of nuclear energy for the environment. On the occasion of this symbolic anniversary, let us turn back to see some of the things we have accomplished in these years of active participation in the nuclear renaissance. Here are a few of our achievments and historical victories.
1996 The book "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy" by Bruno Comby becomes a best seller in France. The book is the object of several major TV debates in France. As a result the author receives threats and is the object of violent attacks from members of anti-nuclear organizations. EFN is then created by some dedicated environmentalists around Bruno Comby in November 1996. EFN gets organized in its first months: our web site www.ecolo.org was one of the first web sites in Europe (the widespread development of the internet is also about 10 years old). Our first public lectures were given. The first members then joined EFN and we started to organize our activities.
The book "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy" played a key role in the creation of EFN and its branches in new countries. It is now available in more than 12 languages and has been recently updated. Please contact the author if you can help with translations of this book in new languages and for getting new editions published or distributed in your country.
In spring 1997, unexpectedly, the Greens enter the French Government
and, without any public debate, decide to close Superphenix, a 1300
MW fast neutron sodium-cooled reactor, which was the most advanced
Generation IV reactor in the world (50 years ahead of its time) - it
had performed quite well more than 90% of the time in 1996. This
advanced reactor was abruptly closed as a trade-off imposed by the
French Greens upon their political allies in Government. EFN defended
Superphenix and actively participated in public protests against this
decision. EFN was received by Green environment Minister Dominique
Voynet. But we lost this first big battle. Perhaps we were too young,
and the freshly elected ruling political party was against us. In
fact, the vast majority of the French people wanted to keep
Superphenix in operation, were shocked by this sudden decision. The
positive side of the story is that many of them joined EFN. As a
result, the membership rapidly increased, exceeding 1000 members and
supporters within a few months, much more rapidly than we had
initially expected.
International development of EFN: the number of local correspondents
joining EFN from around the world grows rapidly.
Our web site is now available in 15 languages, thanks to the hard work and volunteer help of our local correspondents in various parts of the world. EFN now has members and local correspondents in 56 countries. Local correspondents organize local activities and help to develop EFN locally in their area. Our web site describes how to become a local correspondent of EFN.
EFN participates in a growing number of expositions: environmental
fairs, book fairs, regional fairs. The public shows great interest in
our activities and many of them sign up, further increasing the
In June 1999, we were peacefully exposing our views to the public at an environmental expo in Tours (central France) when our booth - presenting EFN and the Comby Institute - was violently assaulted by a group of about 50 hostile anti-nuclear activists.They publicly insulted, threatened and violently attacked the 3 volunteers of EFN who were calmly informing the public about the importance of protecting the environment and the benefits of clean nuclear energy. EFN went to court. The opponents of EFN were found guilty in this affair, and were sentenced to pay financial compensation to the President of EFN and to the Comby Institute. This legal victory against anti-nuclear activists casts light upon the violent methods sometimes used by some anti-nuclear organizations who pretend to be pacifists. Read all the details concerning this affair (translate with http://babelfish.altavista.com/ )
The same year, in 1999, EFN set up its group of lecturers, which now gives over 100 presentations every year around the world. Contact EFN to organize a lecture in your city or a lecture tour in your country. More about our group of lecturers/communication group: GR COM. Speaker's requirements for lectures.
Our good friend, Pr. James LOVELOCK gladly accepts to write an
introduction to the English edition of the book "Environmentalists
For Nuclear Energy" and joins EFN. James Lovelock is the author of
the Gaia theory which considers the Earth as a living self-regulating
organism and is considered as a pioneer and founder of environmental
thinking since the 1960's. EFN was proud to receive such honorable
support. The publication of the book and this preface led to numerous
articles in the press in the UK and triggerred many TV interviews
about Gaia, the benefits of nuclear power and EFN. There were so many
positive articles in the press that a few years later, Tony Blair
changed his mind about the future of nuclear energy in 2004. See Jim
Lovelock's web site hosted by EFN : http://www.ecolo.org/lovelock/
the same year, EFN studied the levels of natural radiation in
Guarapari, measuring levels as high as 40 microSv/hour (constant
exposure to such levels of radiation in this case is natural but
would be forbidden in nuclear power plants). See the photos of our
measurements in Guarapari.
EFN actively participates in the debate in Finland giving several
lectures, a successful press conference, several TV interviews,
sending the book to the journalists, and giving an important address
before the Finnish Parliament. These efforts were successful and the
Parliament voted in favor of the fifth reactor in Finland shortly
after (a few years earlier, EFN had not participated in the debate,
and the Parliament had voted against the fifth reactor). See
Also in 2001, EFN participated as a founding member in the creation of the World Nuclear Association (WNA) and was reckognized the same year as an approved NGO by the IAEA (as such, we are invited to participate in the IAEA meetings since then).
After developing a network of local correspondents, the next step was
to incorporate local branches and create independent associations in
other countries.
In 2002, EFN-USA was incorporated in the State of Delaware, becoming our second national branch after the initial one in France. Berol Robinson who had previously helped translate the book was (and still is) the founding President of EFN-USA.
May 2002, EFN was invited as a key speaker at the OECD Annual Forum
2002, this was our first major international speech, followed by many
others since (photo on the left). See the presentation of EFN at the
Annual Forum 2002. Photos
of EFN at the OECD
Annual Forum
In October 2002, EFN gave its first lecture tour in Japan, including an important and heart-moving historical lecture in Hiroshima. EFN successfully supported the restart of the Monju reactor (photo on the right) on the same occasion. The Japanese edition of the book was published. The Japanese web site of EFN was developed. See some EFN press articles in Japanese.
EFN was one of the major actors of the French National Debate on
Energy (Débat National sur les Energies) in FRANCE which paved
the road for the EPR reactor in Flamanville (photo-maquette on the
right, now in preparation).
In summer 2003, EFN studied the natural radiation on the Espiguette beach near Marseille, putting an end to the hoax and disinformation in the media about the radiation levels of this famous beach in Southern France. See the whole story here.
Second lecture tour of EFN in JAPAN and another historical lecture in
EFN also actively participated in 2004 in numerous television and
radio interviews (radio and TV) many of them on the BBC in the UK.
Tony Blair then followed the media and changed his mind on nuclear
energy. Late Bishop Hugh Montefiore, retired Anglican bishop of
Birmingham, a famous environmentalist, and a founding trustee of
Friends of the Earth (photo on the right) joined EFN. (For this he
was obliged to resign his board membership of FoE.)
Photo of the Point Lepreau nuclear
power plant, New Brunswick (rights reserved)
EFN supported the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear power
plant, a 635 MW nuclear reactor in New Brunswick (Canada), which had
been producing electricity since 1982. A strong coalition of
anti-nuclear associations was opposing the refurbishment. But in
fact, Point Lepreau is a clean nuclear power plant. It produces large
amounts of electricity cleanly, and brings an important contribution
to the protection of the environment, both in New Brunswick and for
the planet. A power plant such as Point
Lepreau avoids the emission of about 2.5 million tons of CO2 in the
atmosphere each year. EFN weighed into the debate and won this
battle. EFN published several
papers in the local press at the end of 2004 and in 2005, and was
interviewed by CBC
RADIO (Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation). We also sent
a last-minute decisive letter to Bernard Lord, Premier of New
Brunswick, just a few days before he took his decision, which ended
up being positive. The nuclear reactor at Point Lepreau will
therefore continue to operate for many years instead of being
dismantled and replaced by gas turbines. This will avoid dumping
several tens of million tons of CO2 into the
In parallel, EFN actively participated in 2005 in the two public debates on nuclear waste and the EPR in France. Meetings were held in the various regions of France on both of these subjects. The public was invited to participate in the debates and EFN was one of the major actors of the debate. Victory ! Both debates ended successfully in 2006.
Birth of EFN-CANADA in February 2006, and lecture tour in Ontario in
May 2006. Many thanks to Rod Anderson, founder of EFN-CANADA for his
hard work. EFN CANADA is now organizing itself, thanks to its
founding President, Rodney Anderson (photo on the right) and to our
Canadian local correspondents. See the web
site of EFN-CANADA and the
MOORE accepted to be Honorary Chairman of EFN CANADA. Patrick Moore
was one of the few historical founders of Greenpeace more than thirty
years ago and was director of Greenpeace international for 7 years.
He was also the founder and former President of Greenpeace Canada
during 9 years. He left Greenpeace several years ago and now supports
clean nuclear energy. "Nuclear energy is the
only non-greenhouse gas-emitting power source that can effectively
replace fossil fuels and satisfy global demand," Dr Moore said at the
US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and Resources in
Washington, DC earlier this year.
Together with our friends
James Lovelock in 2000 and
late Bishop
Hughe Montefiore in 2004,
Patrick Moore is a world-famous figure in the environmental community
who has joined EFN in supporting the environmental benefits of clean
nuclear energy. Read his introduction to the book "Environmentalists
For Nuclear
EFN-POLAND was also created in 2006 with Zbigniew Jaworowski as Chairman (Zbigniew is a specialist of the health effects of radiation and past President of UNSCEAR, the United Nation's Scientific Committee on the Health Effects of Radiation). At the end of the year, the Chinese edition of the book was published.
the Czech Republic, EFN was invited to a successful lecture tour by
EKOFILM (ecological film festival) in October. We spoke in
universities throughout the country (South Bohemia, Prague and North
Bohemia). On this occasion EFN gave interviews to the press (see
articles in Czech) asking
for the construction of new nuclear reactors in the Czech Republic
(which still burns a lot of coal). The Temelin site has room for two
additional reactors and we called for two new reactors to be built
there as rapidly as possible.
recently conducted a study of the natural radiation at Ramsar near
the Caspian Sea. Ramsar is the most radioactive location known on our
planet. We had been wanting to visit the site for many years. EFN
measured radiation levels in Ramsar as high as 150 microSv per hour.
Much above the maximum authorized exposure levels in nuclear power
plants ! Yet in Ramsar there are fewer cancers than in surrounding
villages. See the very recent photos of EFN
in Ramsar taken just a few
days ago in this very unique location. This radiation measurement
campaign and results of analysing the samples we took there will be
the object of a more detailed report to be published in the
EFN now proposes lectures not only on energy, climate change, nuclear power, energy conservation, renewable energies and ecological construction techniques, but also a new lecture presenting radiation in nature and in high background radiation areas (HBRAs) such as Ramsar and Guarapari and the (eventually beneficial) effect of natural levels of radiation on health (in particular in special locations such as Guarapari, Ramsar, mountain spas...).
November 2006 : EFN now gathers over 8500
members and supporters in
more than 56 countries, and the membership is still growing
Of course, our activities (meetings, public debates, fairs, newsletter, lectures, developing the web site, press articles, new editions of the book, TV interviews, annual assemblies...) keep developing in new areas of the world as the association grows. Here is a brief description of our activities today:
In the United States, in Canada, in Finland, in France, in Japan, in China, EFN is proud to play an active and important role in the nuclear renaissance.
Of course much remains to be done to help free the world from its present addiction to fossil fuels.
Recently we participated in major radio and TV shows on energy in the UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, France, and we are continuing at the rate of several interviews every week...
Invite your friends to climb on board, join EFN and support us! We are more determined than ever, and in the near future we hope to be successful in putting an end to the nuclear phase out in Germany. Please contact us if you can help us intensify our activities in your country (to translate or publish the book, organize a lecture tour, find some funds, create a local branch....).
To help EFN develop in your area, you can become a local correspondent or you can contact EFN nuc-en[at]ecolo.org (spam prevention: replace [at] by @).
Annual Meeting of EFN on 9th December 2006
Saturday 09 December 2006 at
5:00 PM
at 55 rue Victor Hugo, 78800 Houilles, France
here for maps and instructions on how to come
The Annual Meeting will take place in Houilles, which is located only 15 minutes from Paris by public transportation. It is possible to come from downtown Paris by train (St Lazare station) or rapid metro RER (line A).
All members and correspondents of EFN and EFN-USA are kindly invited to participate in this Annual Meeting. All dues-paying members with a valid membership can take part in the votes for the decisions concerning the future of EFN (and/or EFN-USA).
To become a member or to update
your membership:
(for EFN)
(for EFN-USA)
Members of EFN having paid their dues (that is: sympathizing, active and donating members), if they cannot be present in person, have the possibility of sending a proxy to be represented, for votes and decisions, by another sympathizing, active or donating member of the association.
The meeting will last until 8:00 PM and will be followed by an informal buffet until 10:00 PM.
The discussions will cover the following topics:
- Review of the year's activities and
substantive report by the Presidents of EFN and EFN-USA.
- Membership statistics and growth of the association: current number
of members
and supporters of EFN
- Election of the Board of Directors of EFN
and of EFN-USA.
- Financial report for the past year.
- EFN presentations at fairs: about half a million visitors informed
by our booths this year.
- The local correspondents of EFN.
- The Communication Group (Gr COM) and lectures given by EFN.
development of EFN in the United States.
development of EFN in Canada
a new branch
in the CZECH REPUBLIC: a successful
lecture tour
- Mailing
lists of EFN.
- The web site.
- EFN in the Media.
- Subcommittees of EFN.
- Orientations and priorities for the coming year.
This event is a great occasion to meet other members and correspondents, share your experience, ask questions, have a pleasant evening, discuss about EFN's activities, and prepare its orientations for the future.
The participation in the Annual Meeting, and the buffet ecological dinner following are entirely GRATIS. The buffet will offer a variety of fresh fruits, salads, and healthy foods. Participants are invited to bring an appropriate contribution to the buffet.
Click here to confirm your participation by e-mail if you intend to participate in this Annual Meeting (spam prevention: replace [at] by @ in the email destination).
Click here to confirm your participation by fax if you intend to participate in this Annual Meeting
Click here to send your proxy if you cannot attend the Annual Meeting, for dues-paying members (sympathizing, active and benefactor members).
If you are not a dues-paying member and if you want to participate in this Annual Meeting: you are cordially invited to join the meeting, but you will not be authorized to take part in the votes and decisions. To participate in the Meeting, you need to be at least a supporting member (that is, to agree with EFN's goals).
If you are not a dues-paying member of EFN or EFN-USA, and you will not participate in this Annual Meeting: there is no need to confirm that you are not coming.
To the attention of the Board
of Directors of EFN and of
The ANNUAL MEETING will be preceded at 4:00
PM, by a meeting of the Board of Directors of EFN and of EFN-USA, to
discuss: 1/ current actions of EFN and EFN-USA, 2/ acceptance of new
members since the last meeting of the Board of Directors, 3/
preparation of the ANNUAL MEETING which will follow
association has continued to grow rapidly this year, and our action
is developing in an increasing number of countries.
Many thanks to the volunteers who help us accomplish our task of informing the public about energy and the environment, in various countries.
The ANNUAL MEETING will be held partly in English (for members of EFN-USA) and partly in French (for French speaking members of members of EFN).
To take part in the votes, do not forget to subscribe or to update your membership:
(for EFN)(dues and donation to EFN give a right to a tax credit in
France amounting to 60% of the amount donated)
(for EFN-USA)(dues and donations to EFN-USA are 501(c)(3) tax
deductible in the United States)
Yours sincerely,
Bruno Comby. President of EFN Berol ROBINSON President of EFN-USA
Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy
Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy, Inc.
EFN - For complete and straightforward information on energy and the environment
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You may, with their approval, freely subscribe to the mailing list all those among your friends who would like to be informed about energy, the environment, and EFN's activities. To do this, just type their e-mail address above, and click the "Subscribe" button (with their approval).
To subscribe to our mailing list, the only condition is to share our point of view and to type in your e-mail in the box above. You will then be informed automatically of EFN's activities. This subscription is entirely GRATIS. EFN is a not-for-profit organization. It does not place any commercial advertisements on it's web site, and does not sell it's mailing lists to anybody. To help EFN continue its activities, inform the public, and maintain this FREE service, you can subscribe or make a donation to EFN-International. Your donations to EFN give right to a tax-credit in France (donation to not-for-profit organizations). For subscriptions and donations intended for EFN-USA, click here (EFN-USA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit corporation in the USA).